An Ode to "Dorkboy"

A site dedicated to "Jubei": Part-time Chatmaster, Full-time Dork

    On August 11th, 1999, "Felix" announced to the chatroom that he was leaving his position as "Chatmaster Extraordinaire" at Birken.  Everyone was sad to see him go, but Felix assured us that he was leaving us in good hands.  He was leaving us with someone who he had chosen himself.  Someone who knew the "real deal".  That someone was "Jubei"....


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A special request from the man himself.. a pic of one of his MANY secret identities, LOBO.  This is one oooogly dude, so I'm linking it not to scare y'all flat out.  You have been warned!!

Click here to see

Best of Chat quote: "i specking i code shhhh" (10/26/99)  

Do you have a favorite quote from today's chat?  Vote for your favorite here:  Best of Chat Board.
