Puppy's Photo Album

Welcome to My Photo Album. Now you can finally see for yourself what I look like..... some of these pics are really old... some of them are really new. I recently broke down and bought a webcam because I was tired of not having any current photos of myself... and no internet junkie should be without a webcam. 

This page, like all of the others here, hasn't been updated in forever... for more recent pics, check out my yahoo photo album (click me)

Various Pictures Of Me & My Friends:

The Joys of Body Modification Here you can see my earrings, my belly ring, and my tattoo. - all taken with the new webcam. 

When Camera Phones Attack a few pics I took of myself while I was bored at work one day in August 2003. The pics aren't great.. they were taken with a camera phone. Added a black and white one in early September.

Puppy: A Webcam Perspective & Variations - ** New Pics Added** -- newly added webcam pic -- and older picture taken of me about 5 years ago with a friend's webcam on top of a computer. Not a really great picture, but is one of the few that I have online that show how long my hair once was... and it actually did got a little longer than this before I cut it all off.

The Collage and Various Odd Pics of Me - includes "Thug Puppy", "Kabuki Puppy", "Frizzy Puppy", and will contain more stuff as soon as I get a scanner.  

Nicole - Pictures of Nicole, my platonic soul mate, the pics from our Senior Prom, and new pics of her daughter Jasmine. 

Rya - Yes, the infamous Rya... I've known Rya for a loooong time, but we lost touch for a few years. We've both grown up a lot and now we're as close as we ever were, if not closer. And she, like most of my friends, has bcome a Mommy.

Down Under The pics of me, my boyfriend at the time, and my buddy Ash taken on my trip to Australia in June 2004

The Beaumont Crew Only one pic so far, me and my former roommate Vanessa. More pics to come in time... as soon as I can get my hands on a digital camera.