The Band

Boring Band...
I've heard your story a thousand times

Name: Markus Allen Hoppus
Occupation: bass, vocals
D.O.B.: march 15, 1972
Marital Status: has a girlfriend
About Mark: Mark, I should say, is the wildest one of the bunch. You can never have him keep his clothes on, even on a bike, which is rad.

Name: Travis Landon Barker
Occupation: drums
D.O.B.: November 14th, 1975
Marital Status: single
About Travis: He doesn't talk very much, and he owns his company called "Stars and Straps".

Name: Tom DeLonge
Occupation: guitar & vocals
D.O.B.: December 13, 1975
Marital Status: has a girlfriend
About Tom: Tom is weird. *LOL* j/k. But he does like aliens a lot. Also , like Mark, he cannot keep his clothes on.
