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      ABOUT ME

Hi, Let me tell you about myself. I am Tanzanian young man of 28 years old, graduate in Electrical Engineering at University of Dar Es Salaam (1999). For the time being I am doing MSc.(Eng) at the same University.

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Here is My CV, and you can visit My Girlfriend web page          

                                                 MY HOBBIES




My Hobbies and Interests include - Listening music, watching movies, playing basketball, volleyball, table tennis, watching TV, Outing, sometimes Disco, swimming, Chatting with friends all over the World through the Internet and Searching for new knowledge in the Internet.

Do you want to visit My Favorite web page ? and My old web page ?
                                             MY FAMILY

I was having mom and dad, their names are REHEMA and MAYRICK: But it is sad to say that, both are not in this World. Luckly enough I am the first born, and I can feel the presence of my Parents through my four sisters Getrude, Nissa, Tussa and Adella. also I have seven brothers, Sako, Imani, Ulimbakisya(Dogo), Daudi, Partrick, Boniface and Moses.
I am proud to have them in my life, because they are very good to me and I love them so much !!!


                                   MY FRIENDS

My Girlfriend is NEEMA,
ooh, she is Wonderful !!!
My Friends are Abdullah, Adam, Aizack, Akber, Amos, Andrew, Anjel, Anna, Antipass, Antony, Arnold, Asajile, Asha, Ashley, Atuganile, Augustine, Bagenyi, Beatrice, Benny, Bigaye, Bill(Wilbard), Boniface, Bossi, Bupe, Charles, Christina, Christopher, Colletha, Cosmas, Damas, Danny, David, Deogratias, Dinna, Dorothy, Eddy, Edissa, Enock, Eric, Erica, Eva, Evelyne, Exaut, Fadhili, Faith, Flora, Florent, Fraglance, George, Godfrey, Godwin, Gwantwa, Hafidhi, Halima, Happy, Harlod, Hashimu, Hellen, Herieth, Innocent, Ipyana, Irene, Isaleba, Issaya, Ivan, Jacob, Jawa, Johaven, John, Joseph, Josephat, Joshua, Joyce, Julius, Juma, Karimu, Kissa, Kissaka, kitomari, Kitwana, Kondo, Leah, Lucy, Lugano, Lupakisyo, Lupiana, Lusona, Lutufyo, Makongoro, Malifimbo, Manfrid, Marietha, Marshals, Mary, Massanja, Mastidia, Matasu, Menrad, Michael, Mika, Mlindwa, Mponjoli, Msangawale, Msekeni, Mussa, Mwita, Natty, Neema, Nehemiah, Nissi, Njama, Ntuli, Oddo, Omary, Oswald, Pamphil, Pascal, Pasian, Pele,Rahma, Rashidi, Regina, Rena, Richard, Robert, Roy, Royne, Ruth, Sadick, Salma, Samweli, Sella, Shija, Silla, Silvanus, Simon, Sixfrid, Smart, Sosthenes, Stella, Stephano, Steven, stewart, Subi, Sunday, Teopister, Thobias, Tussa, Twigisyege, Uti, Vespery, Vicky, Victor, Violeth, Wicky, Wilbard, Yusufu.............
Just to mention a few !!!
Basically any one who knows me is my Friend !

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