Welcome to my Guestbook!
as I am still builing my page, just feel free to comment ! Please give me any idea that you think will improve my web page ! THANK YOU FOR VISITING MY PAGE, WELCOME AGAIN !.
Bianca - 12/21/00 12:10:59
My URL:http://www.BiancaBroussard.com
My Email:Bianca_Broussard@yahoo.com
Where are you from ?: California
How did you find my page ?: Surfing
Hi "ndagam"
I was surfing geocities and checked out your site at
geocities/ndagam. I have a good friend with a really similar
site, and I passed your url along to her. Have you ever seen a
weblog? I was noticing your writing style, and I think the
format might really work well for you. I just started one
recently, and I am actually thinking of dumping my homepage in
favor of just having the weblog, since I'm enjoying it so much
more than maintaining my homesite. Anyway, I really just wanted
to say thanks for an interesting site!
adie - 09/27/00 09:43:33
My URL:http://www.rendo.dekooi.nl/~marti
My Email:marti022@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: the netherlands
How did you find my page ?: surfing
You have a very nice homepage here.Good work!Good luck with your pages.

komugasho - 08/29/00 13:33:21
My Email:komugasho@yahoo.com
Where are you from ?: dar
How did you find my page ?: from yourself
thanks for giving me a chance to be your friend
HarryB - 08/18/00 17:59:16
My URL:http://members.tripod.de/donix
My Email:vermisste.freunde@web.de
Where are you from ?: Berlin / Germany / Europe
How did you find my page ?: singing another Guestbook
I would be pleased much about an attendance
on my Website **** missed friend ****
as well as an entry into my guestbook!
I transmit to you the best greetings from **** Berlin - Germany - Europe ****

Saco and Rebecca - 07/12/00 17:59:19
My Email:saccouh@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: Heaven
How did you find my page ?: with friends
God is very faithfully to all his pure and very precious word , test him and he will do according to his word,try it and see a miracle ,catch fire and tell others that really Christ saves and heals all kind of misfortune whether tangible or intangible.It
s very wonderful !!!!!
Maganga - 06/21/00 06:14:06
My Email:smaganga@hotmail.com
How wonderful it is, keep it up
stella mpefo - 06/09/00 09:35:35
My Email:smpefo@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: bongoland
How did you find my page ?: you told me did you forget just remember do't blow my head
wonderful keep it up
your uncle
Stephen Boursy - 06/07/00 07:59:19
My URL:http://www.churchstate.net
My Email:boursy@churchstate.net
Where are you from ?: Boston, USA
How did you find my page ?: someones guestbook
Good morning from Boston and congradulations on your engagement.
stephano mwendo - 05/17/00 15:45:39
My URL:http://angelfire.com/ne/mwendo
My Email:mwendos@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: Dar ,TZ
How did you find my page ?: MBONGO SEARCH
Mbonny - 05/01/00 15:16:48
My Email:mbonny79@yahoo.com
Where are you from ?: Tanga
How did you find my page ?: Its wonderful!!
Your fiancee is very beautiful!
Elvis, W - 04/07/00 09:46:19
My Email:wminja@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: Home
How did you find my page ?: form your email signature
you have somethin superb, but can you reduce the names of your friends, and if posible center your fonts/paragraph so that they can fit on 800 x 600 screen resolution.
Eric - 03/29/00 08:25:11
My Email:e_msechu@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: from TZ
How did you find my page ?: from you
Hey I lost all my comments I'll have to visit back again and write afresh...forgive me,
1. Can you put a passport photo with a smiling face ...that's more interesting...don't you think?
2. Add more links to favourite pages..people with same interest like you will visit more often
3. Change the appearance of your page now and then to interest people(you can afford that can't you)
4. Great job , keep it up. I found my first inspiration to have a page from you so i'll always come back to your page for visits.
emmanuel - 03/20/00 06:06:45
My Email:emapeter@ucc.ac.tz
Where are you from ?: dsm
How did you find my page ?: through mwasyeba
Mika.N.Nnnyari - 03/09/00 17:57:03
My Email:mnyari@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: Dar-es-salaam,Tanzania
How did you find my page ?: Just after I was inforormed by you when I get nto your office on this day
Really it is a good ,exiting and creative work it is surprising.You have to keep up your good work.
Ndessa - 03/02/00 10:55:59
My URL:http://ndessa.8k.com
My Email:karibu@ndessa.8k.com
Where are you from ?: Tanzania
How did you find my page ?: It Was Good!!
Nice going, keep it up,make sure you make updates and try adding some links (Tanzania in particular).
MWASYEBA - 02/24/00 15:14:10
My Email:mwasyeba@ucc.ac.tz
Where are you from ?: dar-es-salaam
How did you find my page ?: just after visiting him at his place
After visiting your page I am REALLY encourage
to have mine.
bmasamila Bossi - 02/22/00 15:12:29
My Email:bmasamila@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: Sweden
How did you find my page ?: from my Beautiful friend KM
Mwakalobo.....This real beautiful...very beutiful like...
I real appreciate your work keep it up.
Mie Mswidishi wa muda tu..
hellen magige - 02/22/00 13:01:48
My Email:gmagige@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: Dar es Salaam
How did you find my page ?: from Akber Nagri
Its a very interesting page,Keep it up and update it frequently.
akber - 02/22/00 10:58:59
My Email:akbern@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: Tanzania
How did you find my page ?: Notified by ndaga through e-mail.
very nice and attractive too. keep it up ! best of luck in your future life
sunday richard - 02/18/00 19:41:35
My Email:sundayrichard@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: milcomm international
How did you find my page ?: through yuor mail
i like it it made me think about a lot of things especially about life and commitements.
Gilbert Herman - 02/18/00 13:05:16
My Email:gilmassawe@yahoo.com
Where are are from ?: Tanzania
How did you find my page ?: email message
Its wonderful
Its great you don't forget your fiancee,
Actually I am also underway building mine but its too premature to reveal it, surely you will know about it when at its teens.
Surprising how do you get my e-mail?
How is nyanga up there, Have you started being wanoko? I hope not.
Well I would like to say much but time is always limit to whatever I want to accomplish.
Greetings to Neema
Kind regards
Karugaba Mulokozi - 02/18/00 08:10:44
My URL:/karugaba
My Email:karugaba@hotmail.com
Where are from ?: Stockholm, Sweden
Sixfrid Jacob - 02/04/00 13:40:41
My Email:Sixfrid6
Where are you from ?: Adesemi
How did you find my web page ?: Its good
Its good to have a web and its also good to make some modifications here and there.
Sosthenes - 01/12/00 17:09:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/karugaba
My Email:karugaba@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: Stockholm,Sweden
I just revisited your page.
It's still quite exciting. Keep it on.
che guevara mwakanjuki - 01/11/00 08:50:11
My URL:http://www.guevara.freehosting.net
My Email:chee87@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: malaysia
how did you find my web page ?: visited link
Its nice to be here,Nice job and keep your head up!!Ndaga Fijo!!!
Mastidia - 01/04/00 13:36:23
My Email:mbyanyuma@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: Univ. of DSM
how did you find my web page ?: I was given a link by Ndaga
Well done Ndaga! Everytime I visit your page I find some changes(good ones) Keep it up!
Pasian Letinan - 12/30/99 11:48:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pasianl
My Email:letinan@ttcl.co.tz
Where are you from ?: Dar, Tanzania
how did you find my web page ?: From the author
It's really a nice page; I guess I'll have to borrow some of your design style. Keep it up!!
Rashid K. MCHATTA - 12/29/99 21:58:05
My URL:http://dorm.utc.sk/~mchatta
My Email:mchatta1rk@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: TANZANIA
how did you find my web page ?: Visiting another guestbook
Cool Homepage. I like it. Keep it up please. Wishing you all the best.
Mtuka F - 12/27/99 17:26:12
My Email:mtukaf@usa.net
Where are you from ?: Foe Udsm
how did you find my web page ?: Good
Your site is very much impressing for a begginer, but still need some improvements
i.e front appearance .I promise i'll be visiting
to see some improvement and to learn from what y've
Evelyn - 12/20/99 17:03:28
My Email:evelynmak@yahoo.com
Where are you from ?: IRAMBA-TANZANIA
how did you find my web page ?: I dreamt about it
You know what, It left me HOOOOOII! It is good to know you are stepping into the new millenium in
full swing
Hey let me end by giving a big HOORAY!!! to ya
Do I have any criticism? Naaaaaaa
Sosthenes Karugaba - 12/20/99 15:22:31
My URL:http://www.geocitie.com/karugaba
My Email:karugaba@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: Stockholm, SWEDEN
how did you find my web page ?: By Surfing in the "net" and I got a notification of its creation!!!!
Very interesting. As now I'm in a hurry I gonna make my criticism (critical analysis) of your personal web page some other day. CHERIO!!!
Richard Martin - 12/15/99 18:34:33
My Email:richiemartine@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: Dar Es Salaam
how did you find my web page ?: from you
It is better
Neema - 12/15/99 17:07:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/neemakiula
My Email:neemakiula@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: Dar Es Salaam
how did you find my web page ?: From you !
I love your web, just keep it up !
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