P.O. Box 32794 Dar es
salaam •
Mobile: 0748 404 781 •
Email: ndagam@hotmail.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/ndagam
Master of Science in
Electrical Engineering: at the University
of Dar es Salaam. Programme done by research titled “Improvement of
Hydro-thermal Scheduling in the TANESCO power System” 1999 – 2002.
Master’s Programme in Electrical Power Engineering:
at The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. Courses taken “System
Planning” and “Power Systems – advanced course”. January - June
Bachelor of Science in
Electrical Engineering: at
the University of Dar es Salaam, 1995 - 1999.
Full Technician Certificate in Electrical
Engineering: at the Dar es Salaam
Technical College, 1991-1994.
Certificate of Secondary Education: at Ifunda Technical Secondary School, Tanzania,
1987 - 1990.
Proficient in Pascal, Matlab, C and C++ programming
languages and some skills in web page design.
Skilled at quickly and efficient acquiring desired
information from the internet and proficiency in using Microsoft programs such
as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, FrontPage and Publisher.
Promising; open, hard-working and honest employee with
excellent communication skills
Fast and eager leaner; adapts well to changes in science
and technology; as well as systematic thinker; maintains the broad view giving
precise attention to details.
Skilled with creating and writing well-documented and very
readable reports, technical papers and manuals in a manner convenient and
Experienced trainer; frequently assisted students on their
tutorial classes, technician’s and Artisan’s tutor and computer trainer.
Doing research, consultancy and training in Renewable
Energy Technologies (solar Photovoltaics, Wind & Micro Hydro schemes) at Tanzania Traditional Energy Development and
Environment Organization (TaTEDO). September 2002 to present
Doing research as a Research Assistant in Electrical Power
Systems at Electrical Engineering Department, University of Dar es Salaam.
July 1999 to September 2002
Conducting Tutorial classes as Tutorial Assistant in
Electrical Power Systems courses at Electrical Engineering Department,
University of Dar es Salaam. July 1999 to September 2002
Installations and Maintenance of Communication Systems at
American Communication Technologies (ACT) Ltd, Dar es Salaam. Practical Training
III. June - August 1998
Designing, Manufacturing and Maintenance of Electrical
Machines. Also Building, Testing and Repairing Power Electronic Circuits in
Electrical Machines Laboratory at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Dar
es Salaam. Practical Training II. June -August 1997
Repairing and Maintenance of Electrical Machines, Control
Circuits and Electrical wirings at Afri Bottlers Company Ltd (Coca Cola), Mbeya.
Practical Training I, July - September 1996
Management of the Wind Power Development Course at Malmö,
Visby and Stockholm organized by ÅF International, Carl Bro International and
University of Gotland, Sweden. August – September 2003.
Energy Technology Assessment course at Eastern and
Southern Africa Management Institute (ESAMI), Arusha. October, 2002
Stakeholder’s workshop on establishment of Rural Energy
Agency and Fund (REA and REF), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, December 2003.
The 6th International Power Engineering
Conference 2003 (IPEC2003), The Pan Pacific, Singapore, November 2003. Presented
paper titled “Short-term scheduling of a hydro-thermal system using linear
programming technique”
Working session on the wind energy resource assessment
project, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, May 2003
International Conference on Industrial Design Engineering
(IDE), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, July 2003. Presented paper titled “Sazawa
Charcoal Stove Designed for efficient use of charcoal”
Geothermal Market Acceleration Conference in the East
Africa Geothermal Week, Nairobi, Kenya, April 2003.
International Conference on Electrical Engineering and
Technology 2001 (ICEET01), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, September 2001. Presented
paper titled “Linear programming applied to short-term planning of a
hydro-thermal system”
International Conference on Electrical Engineering and
Technology 1999 (ICEET99), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, August 1999.
First Name: NDAGA
Date of Birth: 14th AUG.1971 •
Nationality: TANZANIAN
Religion: CHRISTIAN.
• Sex: MALE
Marital Status: MARRIED
May be obtained upon request.