Welcome to Interludes....
For all the times you've sat in a chat room and thought...."I love this background but I wish there was more music" or..."I love this song but I can't stand this background"....we bring you Interludes. We've collected a stunning array of backgrounds to choose from and a wide variety of music for your listening pleasure.

The room is built so that you can either stay in the main room using the various backgrounds and chat with the crowd, or...you can use the "New Room" option on each of the backgrounds and make a separate room.

To make your stay within Interludes even more personal, interesting and enjoyable we've added HearMe to each of the background rooms...you can VOCALLY chat within each room once you've downloaded the plug-in!!

No matter which way you choose to use our backgrounds, all the music and alternate backgrounds are at your fingertips. And the best part about our playlist??? Once you come here to open it, you can go anywhere and have our playlist at your fingertips!!!

Just a few requests from den and I....Interludes will be visited by chatters from all age groups and backgrounds, please refrain from using pornographic AVs, gestures or foul language. Remember that the site is built so that you can go off into your own rooms (or go private) and still enjoy the entire playlist. So please...be conscious of other chatters and respect each other.

Well, enough of our chatter...scroll down and you'll get the hang of the layout. If you have any questions, comments, or special requests (we'll try our best to accomodate)...please feel free to use our email or guest book to contact us. Thank you so much for joining us, enjoy your time at Interludes.

Sometimes you just want a pretty or peaceful background....sometimes you want to feel like you're sitting next to a rippling lake.....and then other times, you may be looking for an atmosphere of romance. We've put together a collection for every mood....every atmosphere. The backrounds are broken down into three sections below...pages by sens, pages by den and then there is our 150+ section of stunning backgrounds.....jump in and start surfing!

Here is a small part of sen's collection of poetry pages....romantic interludes...erotic moments...shimmering lakes....

Sens' Menu

Revel in the magnificence of nature through Den's eyes. He's been around the world and brings part of it to us...here are his pages....the Alaskan Beauty takes several minutes to download, but it is WELL worth the wait....ENJOY!!!

Den's Menu

AND THEN......here is our collection of stunning backgrounds....no java....quick loading...just simplicity and beauty for your pleasure. To see thumbnails of the different backgrounds, just click the category you would like to browse through.



Forces of Nature

Mountains and Lakes







Odds & Ends

Simply Beautiful

NOTE: If you choose to make a separate room and then bring up the background options to change rooms, you will automatically change to a new room each time you hit a link. Only from the main room can you view everything and stay in one place.

What a selection! What a variety! Full songs all in compressed MP3 format....not just short clips. We're opening with approximately 1,000 songs on our playlist and will be adding almost daily!! Den's goal is for us to put up 10,000 songs...but I may kill him first! But we will be continually adding and editing, so hit the REFRESH or RELOAD button on the playlist window occassionally to make sure you've got THE most current list.

If you don't have a player on your system that can play MP3's, here are links to four different players that we've tried. All four of them are fantastic players; check them out to see which you like best.

Den and I recorded and compressed all of the music ourselves. We couldn't possibly listen to every song...so if any of the songs do not play correctly or have "pops", please let us know through our email link so that we can re-record the song. Thanks in advance for everyone's help!

Interludes Playlist

PLEASE NOTE:The Virtual Interludes Playlist of songs may NOT be linked to any other web site without our specific and expressed permission.

We hope that you've enjoyed your visit to Interludes. We're very excited about bringing it to everyone. Please drop us a note via email or our guest book and let us know what you think about the site!

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Site Created by Barbara & Bill
Dec '99 thru Feb 2000
(YES! It did take that long!)
This page and all materials, graphics, text or otherwise are under copyright protection.
The Virtual Interludes Playlist of songs may NOT be linked to any other web site without our specific and expressed permission.

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