We all know you're out there. You're drawn to the bad guys... and fell instantly in love with Mr. Lyle the moment he graced the screen of Pretender. Believe me we know, because we understand. That is why I have decided to create a sanctuary for us. For us to meet, and talk about our obsession. To explore Mr. Lyle in all his wonders. *grins* Wow wasn't that wierd. Well I was trying for something new a gothic approach I guess. *g* Anyways, Ladada. Hopefully this will soon be the home for many many things Mr. Lyle and probobally some that's not just Mr. Lyle.

Ok a note, everyone I'm working on changing the keepership to accomadate those who got upset. Anyways, please enjoy my page and Realize it's just for fun!


The Mr. Lyle Guardian Angels society!

Soon To Come:

RPG ~ Maybe, I wanna take a poll first

Fan Art ~ Considering it...

Links ~ What page doesn't have links

Banners ~ Banners to link to me!


Ever want your e-mail to show your love for Mr. Lyle? Well here's your chance! Just click the above link and have your own Lyle Lovers e-mail. It'll look like this...





Or Get your own ZZN e-mail account for your page



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