<BGSOUND SRC="mkreyuzurenainegai.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>


Here I will keep all of the updates on my page.

~This Page was Last Updated on June 1, 2000
* I added some MP3s, a new fan fic, a new link, and have done some design changes to the site.
~May 27, 2000
* I added I added more midis to
the Midi Collection (Note: there are no Ronin Warriors midis that exsist atleast to my knowledge there aren't..) I added a new fan fic to the site, The Cruelest Fate by Ninetales.
~May 25, 2000
* The Sage picture section will be down for awhile until finals are done..I added part three to A Slim Ray of Hope, I won a new award, and a change the look of the profile page a little.
~May 7, 2000
* The Sage picture section is down for updating. I've
added more fan fics and 4 more awards that your site can win..
~April 25, 2000
* The Rowen picture section is back up... I added alot to the fan
fic section the updates for that page can be found on that page... I
won two new awards, and my site is now ofering two new awards..
~April 2, 2000
*  The Ronin Warriors sound page is up now! I'm working on
getting all the sound links and stuff up.. The Rowen Picture
section is still down and will be up soon.... The midi page will be
going under some changes soon..
~March 16, 200
* I didn't get the birthday page up for Cye,(Sorry, I've been really
busy..) The Rowen Picture page is down for now since I'm going
to redo it and add a lot more pics to it. I've decided to leave the
music as it is for now so it won't be changing for awhile. I added 1
more link to the links page.
~March 10, 2000
*I changed the music and looks of the main pages. I'm working on
getting the birthday page back up for Cye's birthday
~March 8, 2000
*I added alot more links and changed the way the links page
~March 5, 2000
* I added the Kento pictures section to hte page. I won a new
award. I added another section to the song lyrics list.
~March 4, 2000
* I added two more pages to the Ryo picture section and I have
finally added an MP3 to my page more will be availible later.
~March 2, 2000
* I have changed my page around by allowing my visitors to
access my graphic and text main pages.
~February 28, 2000
* The Ryo picture section is now back UP!! I'm now using a
different guestbook so sign my new one!!... If you like the old slow
loading graphic page go here.
~February 8, 2000
* The Ryo picture section is down for changing....I added an
interactive section to the page...I added two parts to Cinammen's
fan fic so go check it out....

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