We hate this pic

"We have a really...pensive Thanksgiving audience today."

"They're thinking it over. They too, are stunned by your appearance."

If you are a true Dave Foley fan, then you know about his sudden change of appearance. You may like it or not, but we are here to beg, no, demand that Dave dye his hair back! We still love our Dave of course, no matter what his hair color or style. But it is our right, nay, our DUTY, to speak out as...

Message to the whiners: Don't take this stuff seriously. We simply saw an opportunity to make fun of Dave, and did. Didn't think everyone would go so ape. But anyway, c'mon, guys. You like KitH, don't ya? Yeah, you do. And they make fun, don't they? Of course they do. We're just making fun of his hair. Calm down, people. It's all in good fun.

If you want to join us, email us, tell us how Dave's new hair has affected you, and become a member! Or you can just leave us your name and your traumatic story on our guestbook!

Wahoo! The bleach blonde hair and goatee are still around! We don't have to shut down the site!
Hey. Wait a minute.

Rant and Rave on the guestbook!

View the Rantings and Ravings!

Davers have come to either rant, rave, or see what the heck we're doing since December 1, 1999.

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