Hello and my name is Ricky. This is my Star Wars web page, it's a small site and won't have much but it will have info and good pics. And if you aren't to familliar with star wars see my characters of episode 1 page. E-Mail me if I left any out. Personally, my favorite characters are Darth Maul and Boba Fett. I think their the same cause everyone likes them and they hardly get to say anything. I think in episode2 Anakin will marry Amidala and have Luke and Leia. Anyways have fun with my site.
E-mail me at rickyleo4@yahoo.com. And in case you didn't know Darth Sidious is Senator Palpatine. If you ask me episode 1 and 6 are the same cause they both have some thing fast like a pod race and a speeder bike chase, and at the end they both have a lightsaber battle, space battle and land battle. To see my Star Wars pictures click here, or Thumbnails here. And to see some cool animations click here. There were only 2 jedi's to survive the clone wars, obi-Wan and yoda.I also have a Qui-gon Jinn page. I have codes for almost all Star Wars games but so far I only have Rogue Squadron (N64), Star Wars: Episode 1 racer (N64), Phantom Menace(PS) and Shadows of the Empire (N64), I will try to get more. And find to out the jedi code click here,or the sith code here. Don't forget to sign my guestbook!
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