When did I come out? Well when I was born crying coming out of my mom's womb, the doctor smacked my ass...I stopped crying and smiled. =)  So here is how I really came out to my mom...I call her up at work summer of 95 and say “Mom, I’m gay”...long pause...she says “What do you want for dinner?”...We talk about guys all the time.  In my family is worse to be a darker shade of brown than to be gay. *Sigh* Racist black people...which leads me into my next topic...


Why do over twenty-one year old men have boy in their profiles?

So masculine means outdoor sports and driving trucks, but what if a queeny guy plays sports and drives a truck?

So if feminine guys are queeny then masculine guys are kingy?

What do you call the gay man who is neither queeny or kingy then? 

Why are there so many f*cking labels? 

Define queeny guy cuz someone has to bottom! If gay men hate being judged by straight people why do they judge other gay men? 

What is the real purpose of a gay club or chat room? 

If a guy ims you and you aren't sexually attracted to him why do you automatically assume he is imming you for sex? 

If every time you IM a gay man to say hi and he says he wants sex are the gay stereotypes about gay men always wanting sex true?

Why if you call yourself open-minded do you think I look like Steve Urkel? Is it cuz we both are black and wear glasses?If you’re answer is yes then my friend you are generalizing and aka closed minded....A close-minded homosexual?OY VEY      

If being gay is so liberating and you are so happy to come out, why then are you always sad and involved in drama?

Why do some straight people say that being gay is wrong and we’re gonna Hell cuz its against the bible when they a) never go to church nor practice religion; it’s something they overheard because you know they haven't cracked the spine of the “good book” and b) isn't THOU SHALT NOT JUDGE THY NEIGHBOUR one of the 10 Commandments?

Why do people try to salvage an abusive relationship or marriage, yet they get into a verbal argument with their best friend, and it’s over?

Do we really need to hear “IM BORED” or to see typed songs in chat rooms?

Why is braile on drive-up ATMS?

If it's called rush hour why then do people drive so slow?

People who stop to look at cops pulling people over and accidents really must not wanna get to work or home. That bugs me!

Ok so you are smoking a cigarette in your car. You have a lighter and an ashtray. Then why do you throw the butt out the window?

**********Leaders are those whom make their own niche.  Followers copy leaders.*************
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