Email-me with your PICTURES and your DETAIL INFOS

Model photos of me, few years agos.
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chic1 - chic2 - chic3 - chic4 - chic5 -chic6 - chic7 - chic8

I am pure forgive me my few english mistakes.I describe my principal qualities and characteristics which are higher then the average, and which differentiate me from the average man. Each word counts and is significant. I do not hide anything special and my description is true from A to Z. It is the result of a long analysis of me and the observations of the others. I may sound pretentious sometime, but I assure you that I am absolutly not snobish-arroguant-pretentious in person.


I am seeking a good looking female, 18-30, friendly, sensual, respectuous, clean, gentle, affectuous, sweet, good calm temper, not much into sports, Slim or average body. and not very materialistic in love. Your other qualities will be welcomes and a bonus for me. Your income-nationality are not important. I am not a desesperate kind of man regarding women, love and relationship. I am selective but tolerent. You are welcome to visit me anytime. I can relocate or you can relocate with me, if there is a match..


Old Photos of me 3 yo--- 4 yo--- 5 yo--- 5yo--- 6 yo--- 7 yo--- 8 yo--- 11yo--- 13 yo--- 17 yo---


Owner of small Internet companies, 6 feet tall, not rich for now but ok, 170 pds, green eyes, white race, short hair , not muscular, not skiny, no tatou, not very body hairy, like chic dressing slyle but can dress ordinary also. French from Montreal Quebec, never married, no child, free at present. Intelligent mostly intellectual, broad knowledge in several fields, but modest, and friendly, like to have fun. I am not a sports-tv watcher., I am bilingual French-English, cultivated, mature, kind, calm, soft, quiet, class , fertile imagination, availability of time and attentions. Autonomy, independence, very affectuous without sticking, dont take drugs , likes the intimate conversations, good sense of listening, not jealous or controlling, never had sexual deseases and want to stay that way. Wise and mature jugement, I am not the average male steriotypes, not macho in my mentality and my look but I am really not the submissive type also (matcho only in sex)... Rich deep soul, has leave daddy and mommy for a long time. Equal into my relationships with women. Great sensuality, rich universe of sexual-fantasies. Circoncised . I can be dominent in sex or soft affectuous depending how we feel. Open to move to another city for the right woman pearl. I have my own apartment with a splendid sight, (I work when I want, the hours I want, at home), I am clean, tolerant, patient, without prejudices (race,poverty,education,ect), ambitious, faithful, truthful, honest , not alcoholic, not violent, generous in many ways, likes to give but also receive... Pleasant, friendly, not complicated. Likes nature, as the night-life. Romantic, not snob, not pretentious, not intimidating, not a player or one night-stand collector, but not very serious-boring also, one day at a time regarding love, except for mariage, open to all interesting sudgestions . Live in Montreal, in a nice neiborhood. Without hidden Major problems or faults I have my share of small weekness... I am not perfect. I am human, I accept the other such as she is, without wanting to change her, I expect the same thing of you.


I live in Montreal,QUEBEC,CANADA, a big city,french-english,not dangerous, very animated, (good nightlife,arts,activities-lots of festivals-dance-clubs-world class museums-architecture-old europeen-and american. Big amusement park, aqua park, ski mountain, golf, tennis park, skating arena, clean subway system, clean city, not much pollution. We have the same life standard (rich) than USA, but a low crime rate, and 10 time less dangerous. Montreal is multi-ethnic city. but 80% white-race, With 3 millions people, with skyscrappers and beautiful old europeen building architecture. Life is inexpensive. (lowest cost in north america) Montreal is 7hours by car , north of new-york-city USA. In winter we have snow (december15 to march15) not that cold, and summers are nice and warm, not too hot. We have a big international airport 20min. from my place. Health care, education, university, are almost free here. Immigration laws are soft. Social programs such as welfare - dentist - medicine- programs are free if you have finance trouble. Montreal was the host of summer olympics of 1976. Women right are among the best in the world. Social laws are very liberal. Religion is almost inexistant. We have a very good secure public transport system including a big clean subway system.

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Email-me with your PICTURES and your DETAIL INFOS

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gars garou FOREIGN MEN MARRIAGES MARIAGES HANDSOME WESTERN MEN AGENCY AGENCIES FOREIGN USA CANADA FRANCE EUROPE EUROPEENS CANADIANS CANADIENS AMERICAN MEN LOVE ROMANCE MARRIAGE HUSBANDS MAN QUEBEC QUEBECOIS MONTREAL DATING PHOTOS YOUNG NICE SINCERE MARRIAGES FOREIGN AMERICAN CANADA CANADIANS USA EUROPEENS MEN PHOTOS HANDSOME RICH CUTE LOOK INTELLIGENT MATURE FAITHFULL GENTLE REAL MEN REAL MAN MARRIAGES AGENCY AGENCIES AGANCY AGANCIES LOVE RELATION FOREIGN MAN MEN PHOTOS STAR ACADÉMIE BEAU MEC HOMMES GARS GAROU Foreign Men Marriages Mariages Handsome Western Men Agency Agencies Foreign Usa Canada France Europe Europeens Canadians Canadiens American Men Love Romance Marriage Husbands Man Quebec Quebecois Montreal Dating Photos Young Nice Sincere Marriages Foreign American Canada Canadians Usa Europeens Men Photos Handsome Rich Cute Look Intelligent Mature Faithfull Gentle Real Men Real Man Marriages Agency Agencies Agancy Agancies Love Relation Foreign Man Men Photos Star Académie Beau Mec Hommes Gars Garou foreign men marriages mariages handsome western men agency agencies foreign usa canada france europe europeens canadians canadiens american men love romance marriage husbands man quebec quebecois montreal dating photos young nice sincere marriages foreign american canada canadians usa europeens men photos handsome rich cute look intelligent mature faithfull gentle real men real man marriages agency agencies agancy agancies love relation foreign man men photos star académie beau mec hommes gars garou foreign men marriages mariages handsome western men agency agencies foreign usa canada france europe europeens canadians canadiens american men love romance marriage husbands man quebec quebecois montreal dating photos young nice sincere marriages foreign american canada canadians usa europeens men photos handsome rich cute look intelligent mature faithfull gentle real men real man marriages agency agencies agancy agancies love relation foreign man men photos star académie beau mec hommes gars garou foreign men marriages mariages handsome western men agency agencies foreign usa canada france europe europeens canadians canadiens american men love romance marriage husbands man quebec quebecois montreal dating photos young nice sincere marriages foreign american canada canadians usa europeens men photos handsome rich cute look intelligent mature faithfull gentle real men real man marriages agency agencies agancy agancies love relation foreign man men photos star académie beau mec hommes gars garou FOREIGN MEN MARRIAGES MARIAGES HANDSOME WESTERN MEN AGENCY AGENCIES FOREIGN USA CANADA FRANCE EUROPE EUROPEENS CANADIANS CANADIENS AMERICAN MEN LOVE ROMANCE MARRIAGE HUSBANDS MAN QUEBEC QUEBECOIS MONTREAL DATING PHOTOS YOUNG NICE SINCERE MARRIAGES FOREIGN AMERICAN CANADA CANADIANS USA EUROPEENS MEN PHOTOS HANDSOME RICH CUTE LOOK INTELLIGENT MATURE FAITHFULL GENTLE REAL MEN REAL MAN MARRIAGES AGENCY AGENCIES AGANCY AGANCIES LOVE RELATION FOREIGN MAN MEN PHOTOS STAR ACADÉMIE BEAU MEC HOMMES GARS GAROU foreign men marriages mariages handsome western men agency agencies foreign usa canada france europe europeens canadians canadiens american men love romance marriage husbands man quebec quebecois montreal dating photos young nice sincere marriages foreign american canada canadians usa europeens men photos handsome rich cute look intelligent mature faithfull gentle real men real man marriages agency agencies agancy agancies love relation foreign man men photos star académie beau mec hommes gars garou foreign men marriages mariages handsome western men agency agencies foreign usa canada france europe europeens canadians canadiens american men love romance marriage husbands man quebec quebecois montreal dating photos young nice sincere marriages foreign american canada canadians usa europeens men photos handsome rich cute look intelligent mature faithfull gentle real men real man marriages agency agencies agancy agancies love relation foreign man men photos star académie beau mec hommes gars garou foreign men marriages mariages handsome western men agency agencies foreign usa canada france europe europeens canadians canadiens american men love romance marriage husbands man quebec quebecois montreal dating photos young nice sincere marriages foreign american canada canadians usa europeens men photos handsome rich cute look intelligent mature faithfull gentle real men real man marriages agency agencies agancy agancies love relation foreign man men photos star académie beau mec hommes gars garou FOREIGN MEN MARRIAGES MARIAGES HANDSOME WESTERN MEN AGENCY AGENCIES FOREIGN USA CANADA FRANCE EUROPE EUROPEENS CANADIANS CANADIENS AMERICAN MEN LOVE ROMANCE MARRIAGE HUSBANDS MAN QUEBEC QUEBECOIS MONTREAL DATING PHOTOS YOUNG NICE SINCERE MARRIAGES FOREIGN AMERICAN CANADA CANADIANS USA EUROPEENS MEN PHOTOS HANDSOME RICH CUTE LOOK INTELLIGENT MATURE FAITHFULL GENTLE REAL MEN REAL MAN MARRIAGES AGENCY AGENCIES AGANCY AGANCIES LOVE RELATION FOREIGN MAN MEN PHOTOS STAR ACADÉMIE BEAU MEC HOMMES GARS GAROU Foreign Men Marriages Mariages Handsome Western Men Agency Agencies Foreign Usa Canada France Europe Europeens Canadians Canadiens American Men Love Romance Marriage Husbands Man Quebec Quebecois Montreal Dating Photos Young Nice Sincere Marriages Foreign American Canada Canadians Usa Europeens Men Photos Handsome Rich Cute Look Intelligent Mature Faithfull Gentle Real Men Real Man Marriages Agency Agencies Agancy Agancies Love Relation Foreign Man Men Photos Star Académie Beau Mec Hommes Gars Garou foreign men marriages mariages handsome western men agency agencies foreign usa canada france europe europeens canadians canadiens american men love romance marriage husbands man quebec quebecois montreal dating photos young nice sincere marriages foreign american canada canadians usa europeens men photos handsome rich cute look intelligent mature faithfull gentle real men real man marriages agency agencies agancy agancies love relation foreign man men photos star académie beau mec hommes gars garou foreign men marriages mariages handsome western men agency agencies foreign usa canada france europe europeens canadians canadiens american men love romance marriage husbands man quebec quebecois montreal dating photos young nice sincere marriages foreign american canada canadians usa europeens men photos handsome rich cute look intelligent mature faithfull gentle real men real man marriages agency agencies agancy agancies love relation foreign man men photos star académie beau mec hommes gars garou foreign men marriages mariages handsome western men agency agencies foreign usa canada france europe europeens canadians canadiens american men love romance marriage husbands man quebec quebecois montreal dating photos young nice sincere marriages foreign american canada canadians usa europeens men photos handsome rich cute look intelligent mature faithfull gentle real men real man marriages agency agencies agancy agancies love relation foreign man men photos star académie beau mec hommes gars garou foreign men marriages mariages handsome western men agency agencies foreign usa canada france europe europeens canadians canadiens american men love romance marriage husbands man quebec quebecois montreal dating photos young nice sincere marriages foreign american canada canadians usa europeens men photos handsome rich cute look intelligent mature faithfull gentle real men real man marriages agency agencies agancy agancies love relation foreign man men photos star académie beau mec hommes gars garou foreign men marriages mariages handsome western men agency agencies foreign usa canada france europe europeens canadians canadiens american men love romance marriage husbands man quebec quebecois montreal dating photos young nice sincere marriages foreign american canada canadians usa europeens men photos handsome rich cute look intelligent mature faithfull gentle real men real man marriages agency agencies agancy agancies love relation foreign man men photos star académie beau mec hommes gars garou foreign men marriages mariages handsome western men agency agencies foreign usa canada france europe europeens canadians canadiens american men love romance marriage husbands man quebec quebecois montreal dating photos young nice sincere marriages foreign american canada canadians usa europeens men photos handsome rich cute look intelligent mature faithfull gentle real men real man marriages agency agencies agancy agancies love relation foreign man men photos star académie beau mec hommes gars garou foreign men marriages mariages handsome western men agency agencies foreign usa canada france europe europeens canadians canadiens american men love romance marriage husbands man quebec quebecois montreal dating photos young nice sincere marriages foreign american canada canadians usa europeens men photos handsome rich cute look intelligent mature faithfull gentle real men real man marriages agency agencies agancy agancies love relation foreign man men photos star académie beau mec hommes gars garou foreign men marriages mariages handsome western men agency agencies foreign usa canada france europe europeens canadians canadiens american men love romance marriage husbands man quebec quebecois montreal dating photos young nice sincere marriages foreign american canada canadians usa europeens men photos handsome rich cute look intelligent mature faithfull gentle real men real man marriages agency agencies agancy agancies love relation foreign man men photos star académie beau mec hommes gars garou immigration sponsor sponsoship parainage parainnage immigation imigration immigration sponsors sponsorship parainages parainnages immigation imigrations immigrations immigration sponsors sponsorship parainages parainnages immigation imigrations immigrations Immigration Sponsors Sponsorship Parainages Parainnages Immigation Imigrations Immigrations IMMIGRATION SPONSORS SPONSORSHIP PARAINAGES PARAINNAGES IMMIGATION IMIGRATION IMMIGRATIONS foreign men marriages mariages handsome western men agency agencies foreign usa canada france europe europeens canadians canadiens american men love romance marriage husbands man quebec quebecois montreal dating photos young nice sincere marriages foreign american canada canadians usa europeens men photos handsome rich cute look intelligent mature faithfull gentle real men real man marriages agency agencies agancy agancies love relation foreign man men photos star académie beau mec hommes gars garou