Welcome to my Guestbook!

Jessica Haines - 12/05/00 23:58:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jessicalauren_83
My Email:JessicaLauren@collegeclub.com
Where are you from?: Kennewick, Washington, USA

Hey dude, you got yourself a nice page here :) I like reading about your thoughts and stuff, that's pretty cool. I don't get much time to work on my page like that or else I would :) Hehehe, anyhoo..I'll be talking to ya on ICQ CIAO!

the flyin hawain - 11/27/00 11:20:59
My Email:blamegod8@aol.com
Where are you from?: the dark side of buffalo

no comment, just applause

Christina - 11/26/00 23:12:59
My Email:aliene2001@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: UK

I think your site is fantastic! I especially like the Calvin and Hobbes and the Rant & Roar section. Keep up the good work, and good luck with all your essays and assignments!

Bryon P. Spicci - 11/10/00 03:00:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Crater/1161
My Email:quizzler2@email.com
Where are you from?: Central California

Loved your site. I like Calvin and Hobbes. Feel free to stop by my page whenever you want.

Kirsten - 08/26/00 17:37:30
My Email:kgoldstone@canoemail.com
Where are you from?: Winnipeg

Made it here courtesy of the Barenaked Webring. I stayed because you have a great site.... keep it up. And, I loved the abortion rant.

Kristy - 07/26/00 11:41:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/weazelette
My Email:4weasels@worldnet.att.net
Where are you from?: Conyers, GA USA

Cute site!! Thanks for visiting Weaselette's World. Your first website has turned out very well. Keep up the good work and success to you and your future in writing.

Freedom - 07/23/00 12:36:42
My URL:http://www.radiopingpong.com
My Email:Honeyspur@excite.com
Where are you from?: Michigan - U.S

Nice to see another Leo page! Great variety - I love Great Big Sea too!

Sunny forever Rosie - 06/02/00 03:03:20
My Email:integrety@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: good question!

Hi Eric!!! Great web page! Virtual Picasso couldn't have done it better himself!!! Let me be sarcasmo for a moment and say that it was great to see our most embarrassing moments posted on the world wide web...oh wait a minute they are YOUR embarrassing momen s, oh okay then well cudos eric cudos!!! Staring contest winner Friend (thought I forgot huh?? LOL), Rosie

Robyn - 05/27/00 03:17:03
Where are you from?: as the good ol' country

it looks great, Eric. I was just wondering, though, why I had to find out from Amanda that you had a webpage? some things are just screwy, I guess *smile* It sure made me laugh... not that that's a challenge or anything, but still a compliment.

Amanda - 05/19/00 23:09:58
My Email:decelles@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: everywhere it seems

I am laughing... It's funny.... Remember the drunk who said "Hey wanna help me find Gilligan's Island" That was cool(I'm feeling like Chris Farley)*l*. Love ya xoxox

Dad - 02/02/00 01:19:50
My URL:http://emba.concordia.ca
My Email:ahoch@mercato.concordia.ca
Where are you from?: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

I enjoyed looking at your page, especially how the animation shots seem to fit so closely to the topics discussed. I am impressed.

Billy - 01/18/00 22:34:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/outtatheseclouds
My Email:ilovecaffeine@addicted.co.uk
Where are you from?: UK

At the risk of having this message deleted, might I add that I totally disagree with your religious fanatics rant. Yes, I'm a Catholic, and yes, I was offended when I saw Dogma. However, what gives YOU the right to voice your opinion? If we can't say ours, why can you voice yours? Bit of a contradiction, I

Joseph - 01/02/00 07:20:52
Where are you from?: Canada

I personally think that your music section should be called "Counting Big Ladies" rather than "Great Barenaked Crows", but who really gets what they want in this strict Communist regime?!! Oh well, I suddenly have a craving for the blood of a live midget, so I have to go now.

Lore - 01/02/00 00:53:00
My URL:http://no.webpage.yet
My Email:What's e-mail?
Where are you from?: Montreal West (aka Centre of the universe)

Wow, the kid can write! I don't really have anything intelligent to say here. I wish *I* had my own web page. Mmmmm...gratuituous Simpsons pictures. Gosh, I remember when the Simpsons were funny. His own webpage, his own brothel, how can I compete with th s kid?

Tom Warren - 01/01/00 19:50:18
My URL:http://www.timesnewroman.co.uk
My Email:cooltom123@x-stream.co.uk

loved the site and i hope u like mine feel 3 to sign my guestbook c ya! If u link me then i will definetly link u ok??

Catherine the Great, also known as Cathy - 12/29/99 16:00:55
My URL:http://i-don't-have-a webpage:made-one-but-it's-dysfunctional
My Email:heheheh...
Where are you from?: Montreal West, somewhere out in the far corners of the world...

Okay, here's my chance for deep pondering thoughts... (damn it, why is this always when your mind goes blank?). Deep thought requires a coffee and the big comfy chairs at the Second Cup on Green - or at least my thinking cap made of tin foil with pipe c eaners sticking out of it in all directions. Never underestimate the power of sock puppets (they still live in a cardboard box in my spare room if you were wondering).

The One Who Is To Be Worshipped. Or Sari, more mundanely - 12/27/99 04:16:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/segacs/
My Email:That's classified information. May I see your clearence, please?
Where are you from?: Farmland, where you'll be spending lots of time next se ester. But hey, at least it's English :)

Woohoo! The first person to sign! I feel special :) I'd first like to thank the acadamy for this wonderful honour... and yes, here in Canada, we spell honour with a u, eh? Anyway I don't really have a whole lot to say. I've gotta say my trademark "Co lective Soul Rocks" or else Eric would wonder about me. And what other subjects can we beat to death? Well since my words will be immortal, uh, it ain't over till it's over. And the end is the beginning is the end. And eat your vegetables and stay in school and don't do drugs cause they'll fry your brain like an egg. And I shot JFK. And I shot the sheriff. But I did not shoot the deputy.

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