Rant & Roar

"Now I don't want to get off on a rant here, but...." -Dennis Miller


Here is my Rant and Roar page. My rants vary in length depending on how I feel and how much I have to say about each issue. Once again, I'd like to point out that I am not trying to offend anyone in particular. This is just me blowing off some steam.


Topic: Dr. Laura Schlessinger

This controversial radio talk-show host can be described in two words: White Trash. She is arrogant, hypocritical, ignorant, a bigot, and just plain ugly (this last one sounds like name calling, but it might be able to explain some of her other qualities). For those who don't know, Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio-talk show host who gives advice to her callers concerning the proper "moral" solutions to their problems. What many don't know, is that "doctor" Laura is about as qualified to give moral advice as Satan (and it would not surprise me to learn they were actually one and the same). You would think that someone giving advice on issues such as sex, abortion and other controversial moral issues would base her advice on medical knowledge. So, does she rely on her degree in medicine when handing out advice? Nope, because she doesn't have one. How about a degree in Psychology? She must have a degree in THAT area, right? Well, she doesn't have one of those either. Of course, despite the fact that she wants people to THINK she is a medical doctor, she only claims to be a "moral" specialist. So, her degree must be in an area such as Ethics or Morality or maybe even Philosophy or Religion, right? Wrong. "Doctor" Laura got her degree in physiology. That means all of her "moral" advice comes from the same place her head is firmly stuck.... her ass.

Even if Dr. Laura actually WAS able to back up her advice, she wouldn't do it. Most of her "advice" is simply her demeaning those who call in. She spends most of her time screaming at the very people who call in to her show for help simply because they don't follow her moral beliefs. So, what ARE her moral beliefs? Well, being the religious fanatic that she is, she is basically against anything that involves tolerance and acceptance of other people. She is pro-life (or as I like to call them, Anti-choice). She is against divorce. She claims that gays and lesbians are biological errors. She blames the problems of society on Gays, Television and the use of Sex Education in our schools. Need I go on?

I believe that Dr. Laura voicing these so-called "moral" beliefs is the height of hypocrisy. Doctor Laura, while against divorce, has BEEN divorced. While she is against things such as pornography, there are currently nude picture of her floating over the Internet and judging by her rampant homophobia, I'm pretty sure she's quite a large closet Lesbian. Most of the things she screams at her callers for doing are things she has done herself, and which I'm sure she does not regret doing.

For someone who has absolutely no knowledge at all in a field she claims to be an expert in, she is surprisingly arrogant (although this seems to be a common trait among religious fanatics). While examining her website, I saw an ad for the Dr. Laura Board Game. At first, I thought it was some kind of joke. Sadly, it's not. This game involves each player trying to give advice about some predetermined moral situation. If player's answer matches Dr. Laura's or is considered to be just as good, he or she can more ahead one space. Otherwise, the player's turn ends. What kind of crap is this?! This game is about as fun and informative as "who can pull off their fingernails fastest?!"

Alright, "Doctor" Laura, it's time you shut the hell up. People like Doctor Laura fan the flames of hatred and ignorance in our society. She is nothing but a propaganda spewing bigot. If she wasn't Jewish, I'm sure she'd be anti-Semitic. Hell, I'm surprised she's not anti-Semitic anyway! As long as people like this exist, tolerance and acceptance will never be attainable. Instead of hating people who are different or who have different beliefs, why don't you just try to get along?


I feel much better now that I've vented.


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