Find me not that sweet cherbiun face, I forbade these eyes in pleasure.
Perhaps I'LL realize all I have is a glance. Enough to make the gift of seeing A mild drunkeness of the heart. These sweet lips before me Made of the sweetest substance in this universe These lips before me The same ones I will never taste.Marcus 1-18-07 330am Dedicated to a good friend on myspace JuStIn, with help from my smart brother with making sure I used the right words. Thanks :):)
Yesterday is for looking back on found memories,For remembering the lessons we have learned,A place to look but not live.
Today I will try to be Better than I was yesterday I may not suceed,but Thats what tomorrow is for.
Tomorrow has so much hopein it, All the people I want to see, All the places I want to go All the things i want to do.
Today if I am discouraged,I will Remember that today will be Yesterday tomorrow And I can forget all about it.
But I still love yesterday And I still love today, But most of all,I love tomorrow.
For tomorrow will allways be As fresh as a morning And as promising As a sunrise.1-28-96
I bathie my world in candle light; the sensual glow of candle light; a tranquil quiet stills the night, you soothie me so oh candle light. I walk as shadows to dance; and i lapse into a peaceful trance, they sofly beckon there touch, to join them in there shadow dance. I lose myself so willingly; as graceful shadows take control, feel the fever of the flames, and go where only shadows go. As dawn appears with early light, my shadow dissapears from site; they hideaway and wait for; to bathie my world in candle light,yes soothie me so,oh candle light. |
There has to be a song There are too many dark nights Too many troublesome days There has to be a song To make our burdens bearable To make our hopes believable To transform our success into praise Down in some forgotten corner Of every man's heart There has to be a song Like a cool drink of water There has to be a song That will soothe and heal Comfort and satisfy Every man's and woman's heart. "IN MEMORY OF LAWGS FATHER" WHO JOINED THE ANGELS ON MARCH 2O 1997 |
The year winds slowly down,in these twelve months,I've found my honor,self respect,no longer to negelect me as me. Join hands with me in pride,no longer to abide.My love has some defect,no longer too negelect me as me.I hold my head up high,give bigerty the lie,my dreams I resurrect, no longer to negelect me as me. Assured that I as me, whomever I may be am perfectly correct, no longer too negelect me as me. |
"LOVE"two souls. Allways being able to tell the other whats up. Loving the other for who they are and not what you want them too be. Knowing when too leave the other alone. The little things.Getting by and still being happy.Knowing the other will allways be true emotionally.Sexis sex love is for eternity.Staying together forever and allwayseven through the bad times. |
When the stars fall I make a wish! Why you ask?Because dreams and wishes do come true,some when you least expect them. So why I make wishes you ask?because without hope theres no tomorrow and without no tomorrow theres no chance of happiness. So why do I make wishes you ask?because without a chance of a dream coming true. What do we hold out for sorrow,pain!No we hold out for a brighter tomorrow with blue skys and happy faces. |
Who knows been down all the winding and bumpy roads,drug addiction,broken hearts,broken promises,people dying, lying, whose complaining I've had good times too,true love,great friends,travel special encounters and most of all to rise above all the bad times and too see the light at the end of the tunnel.Am I there yet?one never really knows till its too late do I love you,yes your the light at the end of the tunnel! !!!!MARK!!!! |
Cards with pretty words,flowers and cand wrapped with ribbon makes a lovley valentime. My gift to you is unconditional love.It will not fade and die! Nor will its sweetness pass frpm your lips.Those words do not belong to anothers pen.The gift is forever. The promise is mine! |
Its valentimes day And those who care Take the time There hearts to bare. So heres my gift, With love and kisses To show iam happy That your my valentime! |
Are true loves true? I've known a few for a moment for a moment or two. Do dreams come true I think some do for a moment for a moment or two. is your love true I I've held that view for a moment for a moment or two. Do I love you? I thought you new! for a lifetime for a lifetime or two. |
Resurfacing painful memories can erode both faith and hope.Long before hitting bottom in a darkened icy slope! Bury these hurtful reminders in a final resting place. concider the numerous blessings that evoke a smiling face. Life can be an endless parade of ups as well as downs. But focusing upon the positives can eradicate all frowns. Each person we face can teach us a valuable truth. How we use this knowledge makes us wise or uncooth Flexability and versatillity are keys to this vault Guarding the sweet solution to reality any fault Solving a human puzzle may be unnerving and demanding But here resides a cach of patient understanding Each human being deserves our time and our loving trust Extending a helpful hand and a ready heart is a must. |
I love you now and I loved you then. I cant wait for the day,That we can be together.Letting you know I hurt somuch, I really miss your special touch,Youll allways be a part of my life.So make me your man.I promise to do thebest that I can So give me a chance to show who I am. Regrets are something youllnever face, So lets hurry and get us a place!! |
A dream is a picture; a dream is a sign; a dream is a journey that takes you through time. A dream is a promise; a dream is a goal; a dream is a rainbow that follows your soul. A dream is a challenge; a dream is a dare; a dream keeps your wishes afloat in the air. A dream is a gamble; a dream is a scope, a dream lets your wishes, be guided by hope. A dream is a concept, a dream is a plan; a dream finds it's glory, within your own hand. Deborah DeFelice Castro |
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