More Pics:
Denise and Her Friends

Here's my personal pics page... with friends, w/out friends, whatever.

WARNING: The first few pictures may look normal, but as you scroll down... they get crazy! Hence the insane asylum remark up at the title. J

First pic, clockwise from center: Julia, the Starlight Diva (hee hee... my best friend), me (Rainbow Sprinkles), Rica (my cousin, Julia's sister), and Jessica (Star's sister)


This is my best friend (Star) and me... I'm the one in the black. :)


I look very weird in this picture. Somehow when I scanned it a dot appeared on my nose and another on my mouth... so yeah. I don't like it but I thought it was funny. J

My people!!!!! (That's what Elizabeth would say, anyway. She's the blonde one. Susan's the redhead, Ashlie's the brunette, I'm the one in the blue [what do you call someone with black hair???] and Nichole's hiding in the back.)

Greg and me... aren't we so cute? J And no, we're not going out.

That's all for now... I'll put up more pics when I get them. :)

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