Hi! Welcome to the Fan Fiction section of my site! Right now I don't have that many fics, so if you want to send yours to me, go ahead!

Okay. Here is my disclaimer for these Passions stories:
I am in no way affiliated with Passions, NBC, or JER. These are just stories written by a bored fanatic. I don't write them for money, just because I'm bored and inspired. LOL. All characters belong to JER, except for Richard, Jasmine, and Marie Crane (Adulthood), Rachel and Skylar Crane (Love Always), Victoria Evans (Love Will Find a Way...actually, Ben and Ted Evans and Meg Cummings belong to Aaron Spelling) and Jacob Standish (Meant to Be Together) belong to me. If you want to use them or my stories, go ahead! Just ask first before you do it, okay? Please...? Now go on and enjoy these Passions stories! :) Hope you like them.
This is a Theresa/Ethan fic, set from Theresa's point of view. July 5, 2000 is Theresa's eighteenth birthday, but what else will come of it? Read and see! (Yeah, this one's by me, again, LOL)
Jacob's Story
Read this before you read "Meant to Be Together"! If you want to know more about Jacob Standish, this is the place to do it. Basically, it's a LONG character description of Jake. When you're done, you can read "Meant to Be Together" (below).
Kiss Me
Another Ethan/Theresa fic, this one takes place right after the August 29th episode... I wrote this before I saw the next episode, I swear. LOL. See what happens!
Love Always
A really sweet fic, set in the future. By me! =)
Love Will Find a Way
When the truth about Martin's Fitzgerald's death comes out, is love strong enough to conquer everything? Read and find out! Once again, this is one of my fics!
Meant to Be Together: The Story of Paloma and Jacob
This fic is the story of two star-crossed (LOL) lovers, Jacob Standish and Paloma Lopez-Fitzgerald, both fifteen when the story starts. (Miguel's sister, Charity's brother... :) Co-written by me... Kara wrote half of it. It is now complete, so read it! Please? :)
Where You Are
A new fic by me! =) It's short, sweet... just read it.

My disclaimer for the Sunset Beach fics:
I am not affiliated with NBC, Aaron Spelling, or anyone like that. I just write these stories because I'm bored, not because I want the money for it. Anyway, all the chars belong to Aaron Spelling, except... Rachel Nicole Mitchum (Always), Rachel Cummings, Nicole Cummings, and Faith Mitchum (Together Forever). Ask before you take. :)
This is another Casey/Sara story, written before "Together Forever." It links to another site, because I don't know what I did with the original files for the story. I have to warn you, it's pretty lame. :)
Together Forever
I wrote this a long time ago, before I knew how to HTML... so I decided to HTML it now. LOL. It's a Casey/Sara story (not many out there, huh?)... read it, it's sweet.
The disclaimer for the crossover trilogy:
Okay, okay, I don't own Casey, Sara, Luis or Sheridan (though I wish I did, LOL). They belong to their respective owners (see above), the only chars that are mine are Rachel, Andrew, Kate-Lynn, and Christine Mitchum, and Renée, Kyle, and Derek Lopez-Fitzgerald (the kids! LOL) Have fun.
Down on One Knee
My very first crossover fic!!! Yay! :) LOL. As you can guess by the above categories, it's a crossover about Sunset Beach and Passions. Read it. I like it. This story is first in a trilogy, so be forewarned, there's more to come! And as you can see, I won an award for it! Thanks Joann!!!! (My very first award, by the way.)
Completed, finally! :) This is the second story in my crossover fic. Warning: Extreme cuteness ahead! Now all I have to do is write the final story... Hope you like it!
Happily Ever After
This is the final story in the crossover trilogy. I'm not done writing it yet (I doubt if I ever will be, LOL)... basically, all it is is a background of Casey/Sara's relationship and Luis/Sheridan's relationship. So... if you know all that stuff, you should pretty well know the story.
Learning by Heart (a Days/Passions crossover)
When Chloe finds her birth certificate, she finds out who her father is... and to find out about her father, she has to come to Harmony. People follow her... and so does trouble. Almost everyone is in this fic, so read it! Please? It's not completed yet, but I'm trying... I don't have very much time now. Oh yeah. Bethany Crane belongs to my dear friend Bethy (MsSheridanCrane@aol.com), so please don't take her. I only used her with permission.
The disclaimer for "Scared to Death":
I don't know any of the people involved, okay? I was bored, it was near Halloween, I needed to do something. The result is down below. And no, none of it is true.
Scared to Death
A really funny fic about 'N Sync, 98°, Jessica Simpson, BSB, Mandy Moore, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera... has everyone in it! It's kind of the "Scream 3" before the real Scream 3 came out. LOL! By me. Enjoy!
Dreams Do Come True
This is a really great story! =) It's about a girl named Angelica, who just happens to resemble her creator, my best friend, the Starlight Diva, and her life with *N Sync. Oh and if you see a character named Rachel Sara, that's me. Actually, she's based on me. *grin* =)
(Links to another site so press back to get back here)
Someone to Love: Rachel's Story (New!)
Okay, guys, this is what you call a self-insertion story. The whole explanation is on this page. :)
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