Pink Galaxy Ranger

STORYLINE: Kendrix is gone to a different place. It seems that she has apparently died due to a fight against Psycho Pink. Her Quasar Saber has drifted away, and it has no one to claim its power. Her spirit appeared to Maya telling her to protect the Quasar Saber.

This is where Karone comes in. She has journeyed to Onyx, disguised as Astronema, to get the Quasar Saber. In the conflict that follows later that day, Kendrix's spirit chooses Karone to take her place as the Pink Galaxy Ranger.

Karone's arsenal includes:
Pink Quasar Saber
Pink Quasar Launcher
Beta Bow (from the Transdagger)
Lights of Orion
Wild Cat Galactabeast/Zord

REALITY: Melody Perkins has taken over as the Pink Ranger due to Valerie Vernon's abscence. Valerie was diagnosed with Leukemia this summer (for full story visit It was originally planned that Patricia Ja Lee (Cassie) take over. But a last minute decision allowed Melody Perkins to take her place. Since this time, Melody has done a great job as the Pink Ranger. She also adds a few new things to being a Ranger--1.) only wearing one small item that is her color (pink hair accessory), and 2.) wearing black leather. But in all seriousness, I think I speak for most people when I say that Melody should be with us for quite some time to come.