I Am An American Woman!

Welcome to my original home page. I Am cleaning it up all fresh and new. It is October 2008 so it is about time! 21,366 guests have visited my little page since 1998 when it was first created! John D. and Ron (sager111) helped to create the very first site and we did it all via the computer as they live in Canada! I lived in S. California at that time. Since then so much has happened but we are still heart close friends. Ron is my original big brother still. Also, my friend and "little brother" Johnny M. for his support and being my group moderator while I have been regrouping my personal life.

My life is 100% changed ( I lost my mom and my husband of almost 25 years in less than 10 months!) so I want to keep this updated for all of those faithful friends and family that stop in! I am very much alive, well enough, and looking forward to what the New Year 2009 will bring. Besides snow again! ugh... You could find me on My Space these days easier! Here is the addy for that: myspace.com/doverunning it is no way adoption related, it is just me and my life, tons of pics etc. These old sites were the big thing back in 1998 when this was first made. This is mostly an adoption / adoptee site and I will hook up many of the original pages as I clean them up! Come back later to see what is new or pop in at My Space, just make sure you let me know who you are and how you saw me there. I have had a few "colorful" people who wanted to hook up with me but if you know that place, you know there is a "friends list" ALL on my list are friends that touched my life personally. Hugzzzzzzzzz all around and smooches for those of you who get them! Or just need one! lol!

Me Looking at YOU!!!

Merri & I, closer than ever!" Big Bike rally Summer Eruption 2008

Yep, this would be us at a camping weekend here in OR where so many folks get together. All the money raised goes to help people who need their utilities on, medical problems and for one very sick child, he got all the medical bills paid for his disease that was killing him. So... the next time you see a bunch of bikers, keep in mind they are NOT what you see on TV, they are moms and dads too. OK, so we get a little more "out there" than some groups but it is always a fun time for all and the respect given is great!

Next to my Native American friend's socials and Pow Wows, I think both are very much misunderstood as to their true purposes. I am accepted 100% as I am in both groups and that is something I never had until 2 years ago! I thought my life was over then BUT I found my path and I am walking it happily because I do not have to be anything but myself. That was not good enough for the people I spent most of my life with but it is sure more than good enough without any effort on my part now. We just all do what we do and it makes for an awesome 2nd childhood!

This site was created a many years back in case my adopted siblings were looking for me and would find a place with answers to their questions without the strings of getting to know me if that is what they chose to do. Luckily for me, I found them and through them and those who helped me make the orignal pages, I found a lot of myself also. Funny how these things work, I didn't know I had any missing parts! I was happily reunited with all but one 1/2 sibling.

I will forever dedicate my original Ailshire Babies site to Kenny, Doug, and Merrilee, my sibs stolen from us by the county of Chelan, WA. As always, Mom and JD too, they are our biological parents! My friends in the Adoption Community and in the DisAblities Community - If it were not for them, I'd have never made a website. Truthfully, I figured a website for most was just vanity & folly for the one who made it. Maybe it is but at least I know why people love them so much. Mine started as a search tool and a little self expression, it did as intended to allow my sibs to see & know how our history came about and a bit about me, without any strings if they saw it. They did!

Warmest hugs to all and as ever, Walk in Peace!
** Rici ** a.k.a. Running Dove, Choctaw Indian, English, Sct. Irish and Welsh, (and a little Dutch tossed in by b-dad JD!) and very proud to be who and what I am,
an All American Woman!

You ALL know how important it was for me to find my siblings, Merri instantly showed me there really are soul mates. Maybe it wasn't the same with all of our brothers, but that's OK too! Please, come visit my "Searching for Siblings Group" at Yahoo if you are into a little help from those who understand what we as adoptees go through. It is the same for "blended families" who do not make it and forget the children they threw together and then split apart. Divorce is just as hard on children and they are now accepted into the group as well. OR at least go to the Mother of the group and only true original Siblings search site and registry at: www.searchingforsiblings.org It is a great search and info tool and you do not have to be a member of the Sibs group to go there. Thanks for your support!

18,662 Prior Vists, You are New Visitor #

The Guest Book quit working long ago. Bummer!

Drop me a note!

This beautiful tune is "Layla" done slow and sweet by Eric Clapton