OK, so lets see whats new...

July 20, 2000... Sorry, Sorry, Sorry... I know I haven't been updating latly. I was at camp for three week and I just got back last weekend. Anyway, on with the updates. Fan fiction has been updated. I re-formated this page, I hope ya all like it. Emmy Nominations we announced this morning. The West Wing did extreamly well, catching 18 nominations... Congrats to all those who picked up nominations. Click Here to see who got nominated. I finally tallied the votes for the polls. Results can be found here. And last but not least, I added two polls, one on the main page the other here.


June 6, 2000... Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I am just about done with finals, so if ya all promice to hang in there 'till next Monday, it would be greatly appriciated! Anyway, as some of you might know allready, The West Wing grabbed six nominations for Television Critics Association Awards. The show in general got nominated for Best Drama, Best New Show of the Year, and Best Program of the Year. Indivigual nominations went to Allison Janney, Martin Sheen and Aaron Sorkin! Congratulations to all those involved in the show! You surely desearve it. I also added the next part of Amanda's fanfiction on the Fan Fiction page.


June 3, 2000... I survived the SAT II, all be glad and rejoice! Anyway, the next three parts of Amanda's Fan Fiction is up on the fan fiction page. Check it out!


June 2, 2000... Hi everybody! Sorry for the late update today. I added the first part of Amanda's Fan Fiction to the Fan Fiction Page. Also, quotes for the pilot are up on the Quotes page! 'by all means, enjoy yourself'.


June 1, 2000... Wow! It's June allready! Time flies! As of now, I have added all of Amanda's Fan Fiction, "Homecoming". Go over and check it out! I also added some quotes to the "quotes" page. Expect more updates during the day because I have NO SCHOOL TODAY!!


May 31, 2000... Hi peoples! I'm still alive, I actually SURVIVED my physics final, and in honor of that lovly blessing, I added the last five parts of Lida Rose's Fan Fiction, "One Flu Over the White House". You ALL should head over there because it's a GREAT fan fic. A note to all of ya people venturing into fan fic territory. I did something with that page today to make my life eaiser, but instead it made my life harder in many, many uncountable ways... (whats my point? you may be thinking.) Well, If you find any broken links, please let me know... I would appriciate it in many uncountable ways! Later aligator!


May 30, 2000... I added part 2 and 3 of Lida Rose's fan fiction. Head on over to the Fan Fiction page and take a look! Sorry for the lack of updates today, I have my physics (AKA glorified waste of time) final tomorrow... (a note to all ya out there concidering taking physics, don't, unless you can be guaranteed a great teacher.) That's it! I'll talk to ya all later.


May 29, 2000... Happy Memorial Day! I would just like to take a moment to remember and thank all the Veterans who have fought and died for our country... I added a fan fiction page today. There are, so far, two stories by the amazing Lida Rose on it. I'm warning you, the second one is rather long. Because of this, only part one is up as of now. I plan on getting the other seven parts up sometimes this week! Check 'em out! They really rock! I plan on adding one more when I am done studying. If you have any you would like to share, please send them on to me! Ok and I added a link to the bottom of every page that takes you back to the fromt page, so you can stop using your "back" buttons. (sorry that took so long, by the way, I know how annoying that must be.)


May 28, 2000... "Victory is mine, Victory is mine, great day in the morning, for victory is mine!" Why my happiness, because today is "my day of jubliee" "bring me the finest bagels and muffins in the land" Ok Ok, Im really happy because I finished my "hellish" research paper today, and this 5 days before its "actually" due. (Thanks to Colleen for giving me a reason to do it.) Anyway, while I was celebrating, I added a quotes page. But I am warning you, its empty as of now! If you have any you want to add, please send them to me! I'll give you full credit. Make sure, however, to include your name and what episode the quote(s) comes from! Some people told me they were having problems with the colors... so I changed the fromt page. If you have any further problems with the colors, pleas e-mail me and tell me what pages needed to be changed. Anyway, thats about it. I have finals this week, so please don't get mad if there are a lack of updates. Bye everyone!


May 24, 2000... I addedes a quizlet to the site thanks to beseen.com. Since there are only six slots, I figured I'd do the poll in Rounds. The favorite of each of the rounds goes to finals (does that make sense?). Speeking of finals, mine are coming up soon. Plus my "hellish" research paper is due on the 2nd, so please be patient with updates. Oh, yes, I am looking to add a fan fiction page, so if anyone wants to "donate" any fan fiction, please feel free to do so. E-mail me if you'd like to help! And now a thank you! Thanks to all those who sent their "words of kindness". It really means a lot to a girl who is, to quote the lovely CJ, "in her freshmen year" when it comes to maintaining a website. So my deepest thanks go out to everybody. Try to survive without West Wing tonight. It's going to be a long summer!


May 20, 2000... I added a new "articles" page to my site. As of right now, there are two new articles on it. I also added a list of all the episodes foe season 1. I added some links for The West Wing. Also, a countdown to the emmy nominations has been added. And also, I added an upcoming episodes page. Enjoy yourself.


May 19, 2000... I was unhappy with my old counter, so I added a new one... I started it at 105 by the way.


May 18, 2000... Well, I added a counter today! Yippie! Also, I added the pic on the front page. Did anyone see the season finale last night? It ROCKED!! But I won't spoil it for anyone. All I can say is it's going to be a very long summer. Ya know, you could always share your feelings on the season finale on the message board I just added! Oh yes, and I addeded Charlie's name to the poll, I don't know how I could have forgotten him?


May 17, 2000... Besides aiding in the construction of a house, which really happened (By the way, Habitat for Humanity is a great orginazation, if you have some time to spare. It leaves you with a great feeling) I finally updated this page today. There is a new poll and I addded a guestbook. Check 'em out... please!


Home Sweet Home
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