Welcome to my Guestbook!

eileen - 10/31/00 16:50:09
My Email:eileen.filachek@uphs.upenn.edu
Favorite West Wing Character: Josh Lyman
Least Favorite West WIng Character: Toby
Favorite West Wing Episode: Let Bartlet be Bartlet
Least Favorite West Wing Episode: Don't have one
Favorite Quote: There are just to many to list

I like your site, and I know I will be visiting often.

Toni - 10/08/00 01:52:34
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa3/tonispage/Toni.htm
My Email:TLTROI@aol.com
Favorite West Wing Character: Josh

Great site.

matt - 09/20/00 21:54:50
My Email:iconmat@aol.com
Favorite West Wing Character: cj greeg
Least Favorite West WIng Character: none
Favorite West Wing Episode: whay kind of day has it been
Least Favorite West Wing Episode: none


icedancegr8 - 08/03/00 20:47:20
My URL:http://www.acmecity.com/tv/tvthemes/452/index.html
My Email:icedancegr8@hotmail.com
Favorite West Wing Character: All of them!!!!
Least Favorite West WIng Character: (except) the VP
Favorite West Wing Episode: You expect me to decide?!?!?!
Least Favorite West Wing Episode: well, uh, I don't have one really!
Favorite Quote: Get out of my White House! You mock my finely honed sense! Since when are you an up tight pain in the ass? since long before '93.

I LOVE TWW!!!! I am going to be president when I grow up and the show serves as a constant insperation!

Geege - 05/25/00 04:16:18
My Email:jedbartletfan@hotmail.com
Favorite West Wing Character: President Josiah Bartlet
Least Favorite West WIng Character: Umm...duh!
Favorite West Wing Episode: He Shall From Time To Time...
Least Favorite West Wing Episode: Was there any?
Favorite Quote: "You have a best friend?...Is he smarter than you?...Do you trust him with your life?...That's your chief of staff."

Hey Stephanie! You know me. I know you. I'm from the testytoad site! Might I say, for a first homepage, you are excellent! You have lots of information already! I had a homepage once. It sucked. I forgot all about it. I'll be checking back sometime soon, specially if you have tons of stuff here! I'll be looking forward to seeing you at the chat. One comment though, if you don't mind, don't use a lot of bright colors. It blinds some of us. But other than that, you're really great. You know tons about compu ers, don't you? I'm kind of jealous. Hee hee. That up there is really my favorite quote. POTUS is an inspiration. See ya.

Steph - 05/19/00 01:26:33
My Email:steph0170@aol.com
Favorite West Wing Character: CJ/Josh&Donna
Least Favorite West WIng Character: Mandy
Favorite West Wing Episode: ALL OF THEM!!!
Least Favorite West Wing Episode: The Pilot

I really like your web site! I enjoy anything with The West Wing!

Steph - 05/17/00 21:11:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/angelannie121
My Email:AngelAnnie121@yahoo.com
Favorite West Wing Character: CJ Cregg
Least Favorite West WIng Character: I don't really have a least favorite, the all contribute something great to the show.
Favorite West Wing Episode: He Shall for Time To Time and many more.
Least Favorite West Wing Episode: I don't have one
Favorite Quote: Wow, Are you stupid... No, No however just be wrong, just stand there in your wrongness and be wrong and get used to it.

This is a test, this is only a test.... Just giving this baby a whirl to see if it works, I hape you like my webpage!

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