This page is just up and running, so I’ll be adding more news as I get it…the latest news is at the top of the page..
6th December 1998
Well, this isn't news as such, but having just come back from a holiday to Orlando, and visiting Universal Studios there, I had a bit of Bill info for you. You may know about the Twister ride they have there, which by the way, is a very exciting attraction/show. The best part is that before you actually experience the ride, there is a presentation on film, by Bill and Helen Hunt. They explain about what damage tornadoes can do and also about the making of the film. And once the experience of the actual show is over, there is the voice of none other than Bill Paxton wishing you to enjoy your day at Universal Studios, Florida. So if you get the chance to go there, I would definitely recommend it!
1st November 1998
The news on Bill's latest film project is that he is to work on the film entitled 'Golden Gate'. This will be a romantic film about the famous San Francisco bridge, and will be directed by Ron Howard. Look forward to hearing more about that one...
6th August 1998
Latest news on A Simple Plan…Alongside Bill is the wonderful Billy Bob Thornton, who play two midwestern brothers who find $4 million in plane wreck and decide to keep the money for themselves. Of course, the plot doesn’t run smoothly… The film is directed by Sam Raimi and is based on a novel by Scott Smith. According to Paxton, “It had about $5 million in (development fees) chewed out of the budget already…basically (Thornton and I) did it for a case of beer”.
It seems to be a slightly pressured shoot, and on this subject Paxton says ,“The studio made Sam walk the plank – they wouldn’t let him have his usual cinematographer, and we had a 53-day shooting schedule. If Sam had the respect he deserves, they wouldn’t have that kind of pressure on him”. Well, what ever the shoot was like, this is one I definitely eagerly await, what with such talents of Thornton, Raimi and Paxton and it will be great to see the rejoining of Billy and Bill, after they were so outstanding together in One False Move. US Release date October. For more in formation and the rest of the cast, go to the Internet Movie Database here.
Also eagerly awaited is Mighty Joe Young, set for release in the US in December. It follows the story of Paxton as a zoologist who discover a very large primate who is looked after by an orphan, played by Charlize Theron. They travel to L.A and are closely followed by hunters… This film sounds a great one for special effects and of course, whatever film Bill is in he shines in. (Information courtesy of Premiere magazine).
It seems Bill is also considered for the part of the human half of The Incredible Hulk…Now that is something that sounds very interesting, although apparently the Hulk part will be all computer-animated. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see about this one. It seems comic-book to screen films aren’t having the best of luck these days… we all know about Nic Cage as Superman (which I personally was looking forward to seeing)!
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