Fan Fiction and...

Welcome to my page. Here you will find fanfiction written about The Sentinel, as well as various other amusing little things as I think of them.

This is now a mirror site. Updates will be made, but my "real" page can be found HERE. Many thanks to Kandy for giving me a new home.

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The Sentinel and all that goes with it are the property of Pet Fly Productions, Paramount, and a bunch of other people, none of whom I am. If this were a just Universe, they would belong to me, but there's no use complaining. No copyright infringement is intended, I'm not making any money from these, I'm just a poor, starving writer who got sidetracked into fanfiction by a head of brown curls and a pair of blue topaz eyes. Sigh.

Questions? Comments? Unstinting Praise? You can reach me here

Need help with your writing? Pay Holy Mother Grammatica a visit.

Need help with other people's writing? Read HMG's Favorite Bloopers.


The Sequel:

Susan1.gif (6710 bytes)

Susan4.gif (5981 bytes)

"The Devil You Know" and "Masks" are now available in zine form. Contact Skeeter Press for information, or go HERE

A Short Piece:

Holiday Spirits:

brother.gif (3560 bytes)

carols.gif (3004 bytes)

The Inevitable S2 Sequel:

An Interlude in the Park:



Jim and Blair Explain It All:

The Premiere Episode of Faux Paws Productions'

Virtual Season Five

Family Trust

Following the Wolf

Or read it HERE, though it's more fun there.

Need help with your writing?

Literary bloopers. Grammatical faux pas. Text in turmoil.

Updated 12/4/98


Psst! Wanna see an


Teddy Blair! Kevlar Jim!



Meet Susan L. Williams

You can now download my stories to your Palm Pilot, thanks to:

You Want Fries with That? The Fanfiction to Go Archive