A Note: Most of these sounds are made here, so if you don't mind, Email any comments, critiques, or requests.. You can do this by clicking on the Neon Signs of the men with the umbrellas (yes, that's what they are) on the remote-thingie on the left of your screen (your other left moron) Please Email us so that we can keep up the good work. Any form of flattery is what keeps us from putting a bullet in our heads out of self loathing..
Thank You

AOL Instant Messenger Sounds

avengers.wav 41k A clip from the Avengers theme-- Makes a great Buddy-Leaving sound

saint.wav 47.8K A clip from the Saint theme--- Makes a great Buddy-Entering sound

ping.wav 8.43K A Submarine Ping-- Makes for a good message recieving sound

shot.wav 2.19K A Silenced Sniper Rifle--Works as a message sent sound

shotdrop.wav 5.87K Another Sniper Rifle, this one has a shell hitting the ground though. Same use though..

As Good As it Gets

nancing.wav 48.6K Melvin:Do you like to be interrupted when you're nancing around in your little garden?

nodance.wav 82.K Carol: Do you want to dance? Melvin: Well, I have been thinking about that since you brought it up before. Carol:and? Mevlin: No.

sellcrazy.wav 144K Melvin:Where did they teach you to talk like this? In some Panama City sailor wanna hump-hump bar or is this getaway day and your shot at his whiskey? Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.(door slam).

simonfag.wav 28.1K Melvin: Carol the waitress, Simon the fag.

stench.wav 188K Melvin:Not even hear the sound of a thud from my home and one week later there's a smell coming from there that can only be a decaying human body and you have to hold a hanky to your face because the stench is so thick that you think you're gonna faint,even then don't come knocking.

Black Adder

babullet.wav389K Captain Blackadder:Baldrick, what are you doing out there? Baldrick:I'm carving something on this bullet. Blackadder:What are you carving?Baldrick: My Name........(goes on for a while)

The Blues Brothers

bbhowmuch.wav 35.9K Jake:Yo, How much for you wife? Ha Ha Ha!

bbglue.wav 25.4K Elwood:This is glue, strong stuff

Con Air

castwardss.wav 41K Cyrus Grissom:Oh Stewardess, Stewardess. What's the in-flight movie today?

cackroach.wav 68.5K Cyrus:For me, you're somewhere between a cockroach and that white stuff that accumulates at the corner of your mouth when you're really thirsty.

Dirty Work

dwfunny.wav 82.9K Guy: That was really funny sickin' the cops on us like that. Mitch: I thought it was funny, but I'm surprised you guys did because you got you're asses kicked.

dwpros.wav 30.2K Mitch: You didn't count on my loyal army of prostitutes, did you?

Dumb and Dumber

ddmock.wav 450K The whole "Mockingbird" scene

ddwegot.wav 98.6K Lloyd:We got no food, we got no jobs..... OUR PET'S HEADS ARE FALLIN' OFF!!

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

ferris.wav 53.2K Ferris:You're still here? It's over..go home..go

ferriscamgo.wav 266K Cameron singing: When Cameron was in Egypt's land..let my Cameron go

ferrisI'llgo 393K Cameron telling himself he will go to Ferris's house

fblife 57.7K Ferris: Life moves pretty fast, you don't stop and look around once and a while you might miss it.

fbcar.wav 253K The whole scene about the Ferrari.

social.wav 121K Ferris: I mean really what's the point, I'm not European, I don't plan on being European so who gives a crap if they're socialists. They could be fascist anarchists, it still wouldn't change the fact that I don't own a car.

The Fugitive

gerard.wav 122K Sam Gerard:What I want out of each and every one of you is a hard target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area.

Fierce Creatures

fcwhogives.wav 49.7K Vince McCaine:Who gives a shit? Right? I mean look at it. If it died, Would we know?

Get Shorty

gsimtheone.wav 43.3K Ronnie: Pardon me bro, but who the fuck are you? Chilly:I'm the one tellin' you how it is.

Happy Gilmore

hgartncrft.wav 257K Orderly:Okay, listen up everybody, turn up your volumes. Announcement- I got good news, we're extending arts and crafts time by four hours today..... (bit about the lady complaining about her fingers is in here too)

hgnametag.wav57.2K Orderly: Now you will go to sleep, or I will put you to sleep.Check out the nametag, you're in my world now grandma.

The Long Kiss Goodnight

lkghonk.wav 40.6K Charlie: Honk if there's any trouble. (Samuel L. Jackson) Yes'm Mrs. Daisy, I be honkin'

lkgbuilding.wav 49.8K (Samuel L. Jackson): We jumped out of a building! Mr. Perkins: Yes, it was very exciting. Tomorrow we go to the zoo.

Monty Python and the Meaning of Life

molbarge.wav 66.1K Man: Now look here! You barge in here quite uninvited, break glasses and then announce quite casually that we're all dead!

molgloom.wav 88.5K Death: I am death! Man: Well that's cast rather a gloom over the evening, hasn't it?

moldead.wav 19.3K Death: Well you're dead now, so shut-up!

Nothing to Lose

scat1.wav 486K Scatman with Martin Lawrence laughing

scat2.wav 329K Scatman again after he gets the spider off his head

ntlwelcome.wav 25.2K Martin Lawrence: Welcome to hell, Beeetch!

ntlhlnkell.wav 51.4K Martin Lawrence: Helen Keller, I'm talkin' to you. Are you hearin' what th fuck I'm sayin'?

Rush Hour

rushwords.wav 128K Chris Tucker: Please tell me you speak English. I'm Detective Carter. Do you speaka any English? Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?

rushradio.wav 100K Chris Tucker: Oh Hell no, I know you did not just touch my goddamn radio. Don't you ever touch a black man's radio boy. You can do that in China, but you will get your ass killed out here man.!

Scent of a Woman

sowwomen.wav 870K (Colonel Slade:)Women, what can you say? Who made 'em? God must've been a fuckin' genius. Hair. They say the hair is everything, you know? Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls just wanted to go to sleep forever? Or lips, that when they touched yours were like that first swallow of wine after you just crossed the desert. Tits, Whoo-Haa. Big ones, little ones. Nipples starin' right out at you like secret searchlights. Hmm Legs, I don't care if they're Greek columns or secondhand Steinways. What's between 'em, passport to Heaven. I need a drink.

sowwhen.wav 45.2K (Colonel Slade:) Remember, when in doubt...Fuck.

sowsyl.wav 103K (Colonel Slade:) Yes Mr. Sims.. There's only two syllables in ththis whole wide world worth hearin'.....Pus-sy.

sowsorry.wav 48.2K (Charlie:)Sorry. (Colonel Slade:)Don't be sorry. How would you know, you've been watchin' MTV all your life.

sowjob.wav (Colonel Slade:)C'mon, What are you, some kind of chicken-shit. Sticks to job description only?

sowflame.wav 55.9K (Colonel Slade:)If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a flame-thrower to this place!!

sowsalute.wav 445K (Colonel Slade:) What was that? (Charlie:) It was nothing (Colonel Slade:) Next time, Snap it out. Thumb to palm, index finger through little digit, smartly aligned. SHARP TO THE HAIRLINE-DOWN. Too many men, far better than you, have executed that courtesy, and if you're smart, you won't try it again. This bat has got sharper radar than the Nautilus. Don't fuck with me Charlie.

sowfam.wav 167K (Colonel Slade:) IQ's of sloths and then manners of banshees. He's a mechanic, she's a homemaker. He knows as much about cars as a beauty queen and she bakes cookies, taste like wingnuts. As for the Tots - They're twits.

sowuh.wav 35.2K (Colonel Slade:) Uh-Oh, we got a moron here. Is that it?

sowjohn.wav 158K (Colonel Slade:) And uh, When I get off the phone here, call up Heiman. Tell him I want it wall-to-wall with John Daniels. (Charlie:) Don't you mean Jack Daniels? (Colonel Slade:) He may be Jack to you son but when you've known him as long as I have.... That's a joke.

sowrufin.wav 45.9K (Trask:) Are you finished Mr. Slade? (Colonel Slade:) Naw, I'm just gettin' warmed up!

sowhah.wav 10K (Colonel Slade:) Hah-Hah

sowyab.wav 16K (Colonel Slade:) Yabba Dabba Doo

sowheh.wav 4.29K (Colonel Slade:) Heh

sowwhoo.wav 9.81K (Colonel Slade:)[quickly] Whoo-Haa

sowwhoo2.wav 12.1K (Colonel Slade:)[slower] Whoo-Haa

sowsnich.wav 104K (Trask:) You are a cover-up artist, and you are a liar. (Colonel Slade:) BUT NOT A SNITCH! (Trask:) Excuse me? (Colonel Slade:) No, I don't think I will.

sowg2.wav 151K (Colonel Slade:) Y'know the last time I was here Charlie was with a G2 from Brussels. Had a Ferrari. Every day I held the door open for the fucker, never even offered me a ride. Well, fuck him. OW. He's dead and I'm blind.

sowgby.wav 125K (Colonel Slade:) Goodbye Willie. I'm no fuckin' good and I never have been

sowtouch.wav 51.8K (Colonel Slade:) Touch me again, and I'll kill you, ya little sonofabitch. I touch you.

sowpan.wav 108K (Colonel Slade:)Are you ready? This is not Pan Moon Jahn a simple 'yes' will do. (Charlie:) Um.. (Colonel Slade:) Good, here you go, C'mon.

sowiwas.wav 188K (Colonel Slade:) I was gonna go, now I'm not leavin'!

sowu2.wav 77.7K (Colonel Slade:) And Harry, Jimmy, Trent. Wherever you are out there, FUCK YOU TOO!

sowout.wav 121K (Trask:) Sir, you are out of order. (Colonel Slade:)OUT OF ORDER!, I'LL SHOW YOU OUT OF ORDER. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT OUT OF ORDER IS MR. TRASK. I'd SHOW YOU, BUT I'm too old, I'm too tired, and I'm too fuckin' blind.

sowflint.wav 39.1K (Colonel Slade:) It's almost three, the Goddamn Flintstones haven't left yet.

sowwhy.wav 33.5K (Randy:) Why do you alway's get that wrong? (Colonel Slade:) Because it's not important for me to get it right.

sowstand.wav 34.7K (Trask:) Stand down Mr. Slade. (Colonel Slade:) I'm not finished!

sowpearl.wav 21.6K (Colonel Slade:) Are you listening to me son, I'm givin' ya pearls here.

sownook.wav 81.4K (Colonel Slade:) OOH, Mitsuki. Rhymes with Nookie, be careful. When the Wife gets restless, Wife gets racey.

sowrubli.wav 96.6K (Colonel Slade:) Are you blind!? Are you blind!? (Charlie:) Of course not. (Colonel Slade:) Then why do you keep grabbin' my Goddamn arm? I take your arm.

sowrossi.wav 97.1K (Charlie:) Here comes Mrs. Rossi now. (Colonel Slade:) DAMN IT, she's said goodbye to me three times today. What has she got, seperation anxiety?

sowskin.wav 188K (Colonel Slade:) How's your skin son, I like my aides to be presentable. (Charlie:) Well, I've had a few zits. Um, but my roomate he leant me his Clinique, because, see, well, he's from Chestnut Hill and...(Colonel Slade:) 'The History of my Skin' by Charles Sims. You patronizing me, peewee?

Star Wars

yoda.wav Yoda's laugh

Wag the Dog

wtdshotgun.wav 90.3K Stanley Moss: Hah hah Hah. He got a new wife, right now he's riding around in a pickup truck with a shotgun and a dog.

wtdlookshit.wav 29.4K Stanley Moss: Will you look at that shit?

wtdburger.wav151K The Shue-Burger Scene

wtdmountee.wav 106K The scene about the mountee hats.

wdtell.wav 56K Conrad:You can never tell anyone you did this. Tracy: What can they do to me? Conrad: They come home to your house and kill you.