Command & Conquer Optional Second Part - An optional second part to the shareware version that adds music and video to the game. (18M)
Dogz - Dogz is your computer pet. It is a pet dog that you get to adopt. You can do
almost anything that you can with a dog in real life. The dog will act like a
real dog. It will change moods depending on your actions. It can even get
tired and fall asleep if you leave it alone. You can feed it, play ball with it,
even teach it to do tricks! The realism of this program is incredible.
(Shareware Version) 486/25 | 68040 or PowerPC
Epic Pinball - This is the best pinball package I have ever seen. Functions just like a real pinball machine. This is a very addictive game because of it's realism and action. I liked it so much that I bought the full version. (Shareware) 386/25 (818K)
Quake - Defined as the best 3d game of all time. This is the latest game from the
makers of Doom. This makes Doom look like a joke. Has a very solid and powerfull
game engine. Definetly a land mark in video game and internet history with it's
16 player internet support. Download it and see for yourself. (Shareware version 1.06) Pentium
8 Megs RAM (8.9M)
Virtual Pool - This is a surprisingly awesome game. The virtual reality is great, which makes this game
so cool. You'd think that you were really in that bar playing pool. You can see from all different
angles. And playing a modem game with your friend is quite some fun too.
(Shareware) 386/40 (324K)
Winroids -
This is just a simple windows program. It is a modern day version of Astroids.
It's a lot of fun to play, it's also a good time killer.
386 (220K)
- This is a very good internet phone. It allows you to
talk to people all over the world. You can use it to call a friend or family member anywhere in the world as long
as they also have internet phone. and how much does it cost to do this? No more than your current internet bill.
So basically, it's free! A very good program.
- This is the dominating IRC program of the internet. It is rather easy to use
yet it is very powerfull. It is a well written program. (Version 4.7)
Paint Shop Pro - This is a graphic editor.
You can create and edit many different graphics with this program.
WinZip - This is a program for
that will extract .zip files quickly and easily to the directory of your
choice. It lets you view the files before they are unzipped and allows you to
create your own archive files. Has many different options. Version 6.2
RealAudio - This is the RealAudio plugin/player.
It is an audio player that can play audio files in real time. You can listen to radio stations or live broadcasts as they
happen over the web.
Shockwave - This is Macromedia Shockwave!
It is a plugin that brings the web alive with sound, multimedia, and great graphical effects.
This can be used for many fun things like playing games on web pages. Definetly a cool plug-in.
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