FitWomen is actually FitWomen20s at Yahoo!Groups. We're all women in our 20's, and we're all committed to getting healthy and fit. We use the list and the website to help each other out. Changing your lifestyle is hard work, and you deserve all the help, encouragement, and advice you can get.
If you're new to FitWomen, this is the place to learn a little more about the women on the list and to contribute to the list through the website.
Welcome to FitWomen.

What's happened since you were here last time? Check the updates to find out.

Phenomenal Woman

Online Journal -- Get an inside look at two women's work to get fit and healthy and stay that way.

In All Ways A Woman

Who We Are -- Want to know a little more about the women that make this list and webpage what they are? Of course you do.

Photo Album -- Hey if you're willing to look at pictures of other people's pets you'll be willing to check out some of our favorite photographs

Articles -- Rather than link, I steal and post some great articles.

Links -- Do you need an explanation?

Ever wonder if some of what you're eating is as really good for you as you think? Well, check out the First-Class Foods and the "Think Before You Eat" Foods lists.

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