- Hadassa's Virtual Travel Photo Album

My name is Hadassa and in every day life I'm an Israeli lawyer. But when time and money allow it, there is nothing I love more to do then travel to foreign countries.

During the last 20 years, I managed to tour Europe (extensively), the U.S.A (from coast to coast) and Australia (only the eastern side).

Although my Israeli passport (I will not change it for any other kind) prevents me from entering many countries, (especially the Muslim ones), I did manage to visit Jordan and Morocco.

Like any other traveler, I love to take photos of everything that I see during my travels. But instead of just putting them in an album and forgetting all about them, I've decided to share them with all of you, net surfers, in this virtual photo album.

The following pages will include the creme the la creme of the photos I took during my trips. It will take me a long while to scan in the photos and construct this album. So keep coming back and you will not be disappointed.

The Virtual Album Pages

  • Iceland
  • Israel - Updated 8.7.02
  • Southern Italy
  • Sicily
  • France
  • Austria
  • Spain
  • Central Italy
  • London
  • Greece - Completed 7.6.02
  • Ireland - Updated 16.10.02

  • © Hadassa Wiener 1999 - 2002