"Through me you enter into the city of woes, Through me you enter into eternal pain, Through me you enter the population of loss. Abandon all hope, you who enter here." - Dante Alighieri
Burning Who?
Burning Man...
"It's ritualistic, it's anarchic, it's primal, it's a radical communal experiment, it's art, it's the death of art, it's dream-like, it's surreal, it's creative, it's destructive, it's absurd, it's spiritual, it's real.
Think of Burning Man as Disneyland turned inside out. But unlike an escapist fantasy produced by others, Burning Man is not vicarious. At Burning Man you are the fantasy. People do not come to this event to be distracted from themselves; they come here to discover and distill what they uniquely are. We will not tell you what it means, for Burning Man is based on your immediate experience.
What is Burning Man? It's what you make it. "
Taken from the Offical Burning Man page
Still interested?
Due to redundancy, logistics and a desire to create the best show
for our Burning Man bretheren, The Hell-A "Wheel of Misfortune"
theme camp has decided to dedicate our efforts in a cooperative
effort to maximize our creative and perverse talents under the
banner of "The Temple of Atonement." The ringleader of this new
creation is Madame Elisandrya from Santa Cruz. Many people are
conspiring feverishly as the departure date grows near, and this
amalgamation of people and and their collective creativity is sure
to produce a superior and enjoyable product for our Burning Man
The TOA camp is a group effort, that the Hell-A group is proud to
be a part of. Our camp will be a BDSM oriented camp, with a focus on Spanish Inquisition style tactics... to chastise virtuous
virgins, question the clergy, test the tenacious... you name it.
Full dungeon on the playa, and a wealth of sadistic....er, uh....
questioning devices to persuade the 'truth' from our prisoners
(victims) We are still gathering 'victims', priests and clergy,
nuns, virgins (yeah, right) inquisitors, et al. Dig into your souls,
and discover which you really are. Or we will dig for you.