"Shocking....god i almost brought up my lunch. oh my god, that's just embarassing
" it's hindi system of energy, you know like chocolates have energy centers. I have experience of that in which i felt as if my whole back had opened up" " Yeah, tea. That is a good example of transmigration of energy. Tea is water and a leaf. what is water? What is a leaf? That's what cool about the film. Because it's very subtle like that " "Buddhism suggest that there is no "self", no "I". I don't know why they do that.....". "I was meditating in Tuscany once and I felt like wow and i would move my arms and it was like 18 miles long" " I don't know the end, but in terms of reincarnation, i think that basically i don't know(???????)"
"I jumped out of bed and fled the house , then I ran back and got dressed "I know some incredible women but i never proposed. I've never been proposed to. Yet marriage ad children are defintiely on my mind. oh my god, yes, it's inspires everything, it's driving me crazy."
"I just missed him very much." " I was downstair in my house when a friend told me they had heard about River inn the radio...i wished he wasn't dead "
" I had came to accept this gossip as part of the job. I am suppose to have a health problem too. You can;t freak over it otherwise, you become miserable. By answering the rumours, you are rising to the bait. Then it can get worse. But no, I'm not unhealthy, nor am I in a gay marriage'
"There is one woman in my life although it's not what most people have in mind. I'm very close to my sister Kim, She's a couple of years younger than me and I think she is wonderful. We look after each other. I bought her a house and I like to see that she is happy. She is the most important woman in my life."
" I flirt alot. I like to sit, talking and playing that game. It's harmless enough"
" I don't see myself as this cool sex symbol. But i can't escape it. no matter how boring i may actually be "
" In the early days, i wasn't used to being asked personal questions and most of the questions don't peratined to work. To a certain degree, I was not leading a examined existance. Even internaly, so i wasn't unable to speak about what i was thinking or feeling I was just being so i think that inability to express my thoughts or feelings and being unable to categorise and put things in context was amusing, especially for journalists, so they make fun of the monkey " Source:"UK SMASH HITS, M3, etc Magazines [HOME] [PROFILE] [FILMOGRAPHY] [PHOTO GALLERY] [LINKS] |