Welcome to The Four Bastards 2006
Heck yes I did! It's good to be back
Ryan, Nate, Jason, and Tim circa 2005 in a parallel universe where the Europeans are Asian and the Asians are European, and it's cool to be in the band and eat pears straight out of the can
Ryan, Tim, Jason, and Nate circa 2045
You've found it: www.fourbastards.com. Your one-stop shop for movie reviews and such since 1996. Beat that, shitasses. Be sure to check back often.
Reviews -- Film reviews by the Four Bastards
The Pulse -- What's happening on the entertainment scene with Ryan and Jason, the LA contingent
Tim's Preview Reviews -- Tim's back with preview reviews for "The Day After Tomorrow," "Soul Plane," "Van Helsing," and "The Stepford Wives"
WTF -- What the crap yo?
Real life or Full House -- is it from real life, or is is just an episode of Full House?
Write a Review -- New! Post a review of your own... If you have the balls
Read 'em -- Read your fellow bastard fans' reviews
Old site -- The old version of what you're currently enjoying (lots more reviews)
Curious about the bastards? Then read our fucking bio: "Behind The Bastards"
Here's a link to an inventive and unusual Website: http://www.binary-head.com -- a must-read for fans of the band Radiohead.
One of our favorite links: Our boy Pav's hilarious travel site-- a must-read for all you Bastard fans!
Questions? Comments?
Suggestions? A sudden inexplicable urge to email a stranger? Go ahead! Email
Nate at fourbastards23@yahoo.com and he'll get back to
you as soon as is humanly possible... Okay, this is probably a lie, but if you send something funny or otherwise worthwhile you might get a response.