Kpasa96's General Hospital Tapes, etc page by Danielle Wallace


This page isn't updated with news anymore, but there's no reason to, because GH isn't worth watching any more. The writers stink, they totally messed up the return of The Scorpios, and don't even show Robert...

Earlier news:
THE SCORPIOS ARE BACK!!! FINALLY! General Hospital finally has done something right! First Tristan Rogers, then Emma Samms, now Finola Hughes is returning!
GH celebrated it's 11,000 episode, what a fitting picture, complete with Tristan & Emma!!!

Read all articles on:
Emma & Tristan's return

In past news:
Kimberly McCullough last year in the role of Robin!
Welcome back Kimberly! :)
Rick Springfield returned last year for a handful of episodes, and has stayed on ever since, YEAH!
Jason Thompson plays the role of his son, Dr. Patrick Drake -- what a cutie!
Laura Wright has stepped in as the new Carly, I think she's terrific!!!

Kari Wuhrer (Reese) has also been let go...

The role of Maxie was recast last year! GH has hired Kirsten Storms for the role of Maxie, when they hadn't even had Robyn Richards on since Lila's memorial episode last year. Hello, if they wanted to use Maxie, why not just let Robyn continue playing her, instead of recasting. This is now the second time GH has made a mistake in letting Robyn go. The first recast was Danica Stewart, who couldn't pan out in the role, and left GH begging for Robyn to come back. To show your support for Robyn, write to TPTB, and also visit her official website. Robyn has shared her feelings on this on her message board

Kirsten has been doing a great job of filling her shoes, but Robyn will always be the best!

Bring back Kristina Wagner! The role of Felicia was recast by Sandra Ferguson. I truly miss Kristina, GH again has made a mistake in not giving Kristina a contract for the Maxie heart storyline! But thank goodness we have not had to see the nuFelicia since she first aired...then we can pretend Kristina is still on... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Catch a reunion of sorts with Sharon Wyatt & John Reilly, but on PASSIONS! Sharon just started playing "Rachel", John's "Allistair"'s ex girlfriend who has come back from the dead to haunt him...Very nice to see these 2 working together again, but too bad GH didn't have the sense to hire them back...

VERY IMPORTANT: Please go see the new movie "Carpool Guy", a film by Corbin Bernsen, starring Corbin, Tony Geary, Ric Hearst, Sean Kanan, Lauralee Bell, Jeanne Cooper, Patrika Darbo, Leslie Kay, Kristoff St John, Colton James, and more!!! You can also go & Meet the actors! I went to the St Louis premiere, and the movie was great! Please visit the website, to find where it's playing in a city near you!

Carpool Guy Website

If you can't make it, please buy the DVD:

Buy the Carpool Guy movie


Ricky Martin has a new album out called "LIFE"! It is a really great CD, please get your copy today!

Buy Ricky's CD "LIFE"


Catch Vanessa Marcil Monday nights on NBC on "Las Vegas" also, starring Josh Duhamel.


John J. York Fan Web Site


The SCORPIO Files Website
Are you tired of MOB Hospital? NOW is the time to express your opinion! With the major returns of Tristan, Emma, Finola, Genie, Rick Springfield, Kimberly McCullough, we have a chance to get back to the REAL GH! GH is so far from what it used to be, unlike the days with L&L, Robert, Holly, Anna, Frisco, Felicia, Sean, Tiff, you know, the old gang! The 80s was the BEST era for love, romance, mystery, and ADVENTURE!!! You know, STORYLINES!!!!!! :)

Feel free to look around for info on General Hospital & Port Charles episodes on video, photos, and other fun stuff...

GH FUN STUFF (includes songs played on GH, birthdays, etc...)

GH actor pages

Pictures & videos From Various GH/PC Fan Weekend & Super Soap Weekend Events

My List of General Hospital & Port Charles episodes & tapes


This website maintained by:
Danielle Wallace

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