Easy Trivia
The Easy Trivia
Okay I figure that the trivia on my other page was pretty hard and I want to give some FoLCs (Fan of Lois and Clark) without a good memory or a copy of the episode a chance to win, too. Answer some of them right and I'll put your name/homepage/e-mail on my page. Email me here or here.
Congratulations, again, to Karen for answering all of my trivia questions right! Go see her page
This trivia is from "Lucky Leon", the episode with the first real date!
- What interrupted Lois and Clark's kiss at the end of the episode?
- Name two of the three "friends" that Lucky Leon made.
- What did the bad people trick Superman into doing?
- Why did Lois slam the door on Clark after their date?
- What was Lois complaining about during this episode?
- Why did H. G. Wells have Tempus with him, anyway? To prove that he could travel in time.
- What was the time machine's fuel? 24K gold
- What time did H. G. Wells and Tempus first go back to? 1866 Smallville
- In the future there are books about Lois, statues, interactive games, even a _________. breakfast cereal
- Where did Clark's ship land? Shuster's Field

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