Well, when talking about my friends.. I can't
help but begin with my best friend Lisa. She is
the greatest! I met her a at a Key Club Convention oh about 8 years ago.
At first we were just writing and phone friends but since we have started
going to the same school together it has turned into so much more. She
knows EVERY detail of my life pretty much. I tell her everything. And she
is always here to listen to me no matter how boring it is! She is a really
sweet girl. She also has a webpage.
It isn't that great right now but as soon as I get done with this page
I am going to help her out with hers so check it out! She
also has a pretty cool boyfriend. His name is Justin--but we all call him
ask =) His webpage is also kewl.
The next logical person is Heather.
She is Lisa's sister. She is really cool and fun to hang around with. Just
don't get on her bad side! HEHE
Next is Gena. Well..
how do describe her? Gena is..well.. Gena. She is truly unique. She is
extremely goofy and as you can see extremely pretty. Of course she understands
that I'm not into that kind of thing! =)
I do have some friends from high school too!
My best friend throughout High School and really good friend to me now
is Melissa. She is so cool. AND DEMENTED! Some
people say I have an odd sense of humor and you know what.. if that is
true.. I learned it all from this girl! I've been friends with her ever
since I moved to West Virginia. I think we had a kinda connection from
the start. In High School we made movies together. You have got to see
some of the things that we made. Not to mention Melissa is one of the most
talented writers I have ever seen. She is so special to me. I'm thankful
I have a friend like her :) Check out her page, Melissa's
Page of Mayhem and Mystery,too. It is cool (and it has a really bad
picture of me on it!).
Another movie making friend is Allan.
I've also known this guy since I moved to West Virginia but we became even
better friends our senior year in high school when we had took Video Production.
He is a really talented movie maker. In fact he wants to make it his career.
Check out his page, The
Last Knights' Club. I'm almost afraid to give you his link. He is so
much better at this than me. It puts my page to shame =) He is also a DJ
at Ohio University. And he even has a page dedicated to his on air persona.
Check out The
Reaper's Crypt!
Julia is a great
friend of mine! She is working at Disney World right now. I think
she is living her dream. All she ever talked about was living in
Florida and now she does. But that is bittersweet cuz I miss her
so much. I miss being able to go to WVU and see her all the time.
BIG NEWS!!! Julia is pregnant. I'm so excited for her. She'll be a great mom. She is truly a person I can share my fears and hopes with. She is
always the nicest person in the world. If you ever need a smile talk to
her =) She also has a webpage
so check it out!!!
ANG!!!!!!! BITE ME
hehe Let me tell you those are this girl's fav things to say. If you upset
her you will get a BITE ME. If you amuse--and I do mean amuse--her you
will get a hehe. She has got me hooked to saying hehe. I get yelled at
all the time for it too! In the last couple years I have become so close to Ang.
I love her so much. I guess I just luck out in finding the best people
as friends. If you are on IRC and visit WARPED.NET then you are sure to
find her there. check the nicks charisma or ang.
I have another friend that I have become
pretty close with in the last 2 years. Her name is Janet.
She is a sweety. She works at Cedar
Point in the summers. I also went to Cedar Point this summer to work
and I worked on the best ride in the park, Raptor.
Her webpage
is pretty cool!
A good Cedar Point friend is Marcus. He is Raptor's DJ. I used to bug him every day by going and sitting on his DJ booth steps on my breaks and talking to him and begging him to play certain songs. I miss doing that. We both have a great time teasing each other. check out his webpage! =)
Another good friend from Cedar Point is Dwayne.
He worked the Sky Ride. He goes to Marshall with a lot of my friends.
I really hope he decides to come back to Cedar Point this year.
Some Internet Friends!
There is a really cool girl
out there Texas and her name is Shell. She is VERY
talented Basketball player. Somehow, out of the blue we just started writing
to each other. Now we are good internet friends! She is a freshman
in college right now. It's weird, from the first time she wrote me,
I felt I could be completely open to her. I am proud to call her
a friend and I can't wait till the day when we can finally meet in person!
is a kewl guy in MN. He is also my ex-boyfriend. I loved him very much. However, distance can hurt any relationship. That was our only struggle. Anyhow, he is really awesome and can put a smile on anyone's face. Check out his
webpage! =)
Micah (isn't that just the coolest name!) is a friend I met on the computer. He lives in Chicago which bums me cuz I would like to see more of him. He does occasionally come home here to visit his family which is nice. Now if I can only get him to write me more often HEHE. Hey, we'll always have our little trek out to the reservoir!
Jay is a friend I met after
hearing about him on my trip to OU to see allan last year. He is really really great to talk to. We talk
a lot online. Sometimes I really think he should put all of his thoughts into a book. They are that great. He has some awesome philosophies on life. He doesn't have a webpage and the one pic I had of
him accidentally got deleted so all I can tell you is he is a great guy
and deserves a great guy. I believe he is single gentlemen!! ;)