I have been hooked on transformers from the day my dad
brought home the diaclone ironhide and sunstreaker for me.
I love all the series from g1 to the beastwars. I was so suprised
to find so many fellow Transformer fans on the net. I hopefully will
attending BOTCON97 next year!
*UPDATE!:*UPDATE!:I went to Botcon this year. It Had its great points and its bad
points. Meeting all the people I have spoken to on the irc was probably the
best. The dealer room was a bit of a dissapointment but I did pick up a few things. .
The exclusive toy was great highlighted by the packaging and the comic writen by
Simon Furman and drawn by Andrew Wildman.
Click for SIXSHOT's Tech Specs !
Click for SIXSHOT's little Art Page
Click for a list of toys I own (NFS)
starsabre and victoryleo combine to form VICTORYSABRE!
breastforce combines to form LIOKAISER!
This is a Nes file with an Emulator you can play a TF NES game.
Double-click here to hear The Death of Optimus Pime in MIDI format!
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Liocaesar's page has tons of info on the japanese transformers
Victory Sabre has info on all the japanese tf series and wavs
Benson Yee has the best BEASTWARS page
© 1997 wildfire@snet.net