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"I learned when I was young that the only true life I have is the life of my brain. But if it's true that the only real life I have is the life of my brain, what sense does it make to hand that brain to somebody for eight hours a day for their particular use, on the presumption that at the end of the day they will give it back in an unmutilated condition?" —Utah Phillips quoting "Frying Pan Jack"
"I disagree with everything you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." —Voltaire
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you get what you pay for." —Ancient Chinese Proverb
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you have to do to get it...and how much it's gonna' cost you." —Ancient Chinese Proverb
"If you lived in your car, you'd be home by now" —Ancient Chinese Bumper Sticker
"Give me ambiguity, or give me something else!" — Rich's Humor Pages
"Why do the people who know the least know it the loudest?" — Rich's Humor Pages
"If hate were people, I'd be China!" —Daniel Stern, "City Slickers"
"Talking to Jim was like eating oatmeal with a coffee straw." —Mhat
"I am the king of the echo people!" —Crispin Glover, "Rubin & Ed"
"Virtue debases itself in justifying itself" —Voltaire
"Rollin', in my five-point-O, with the rag-top down so my hair can blow." —Vanilla Ice
"Take your bottom lip and pull it over your head" —Bill Cosby
"Don't push your luck...with Claude Perkins!!" —Paul B. Price, "The Ritz"
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