What is the meaning of life?
Well, as far as I'm
concerned, the meaning of life is:
1) Mentos
2) Spam
3) Sporks
The following links will take you to mystical places, faraway lands...
and some fucking weird shit. May your journeys be fruitful.

The difinitive and most hilarious of all Mentos sites! This is the funniest page I've EVER seen!
The Freshmaker! An inferior but good site. (Try it after the first one.)
Spam: you can't deny that that's some weird shit (literally). This page has LOTS of auxilliary SPAM links.
Sporks! This page is AMAZING! Browse on over and be swept away by the mystical enigma that is...The Spork!
(and now for some more normal links)
Download cool edit '96! FREE! CoolEdit is the best shareware program on the planet. Use it play every possible type of sound file, convert any sample to another speed or pitch, layer samples together... I can't recommend it enough.
Download a great, small utility that plays all sounds file formats without having to open up an annoying program
Ubiquity Records...Great stuff! Their records are so good they guarantee you'll like each one! I haven't heard one I haven't liked.
Replace your boring old Windows95 startup/shutdown screens with these classy UBIQUITY RECORDS images! (I made 'em myself!)
Jumbo! A Great site for Freeware/Shareware/Utilities...
Search the web with HOTBOT! (now you're searching with power!)
Here's a great place to shcek if you've seen all the usual web sites and you want something new! Check out the story about the $95,000 check! I love it!
Scott's Page of Evil: THE FRENCH! Gerard Depardieu is proof enough for me that that shit is evil!
A neat store owned by a neat friend of mine! (Really cool web site!)
Righteous & Hopeful Productions:
We make music so you don't have to.
Please bookmark this page! I will be adding LOTS more cool/weird stuff as soon as I get the time!

This page is under heavy construction right now, but the construction-
worker doesn't really know what the hell he's doing with this whole
home-page thing just yet, so I wouldn't expect things to be up and
running for quite some time now. But check back sometime if you're
bored out of your ever-loving mind and want to feel superior to
© 1996 mhat@doubt.com

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