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Cruise, Kidman Separate

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman announced Monday that they are separating after 11 years of marriage,
reports their spokesman, Pat Kingsley. Kingsley said the decision was made with regret. "Citing the difficulties
inherent in divergent careers, which constantly keep them apart, they concluded that an amicable separation seems best for both of them at this time," Kingsley said. Cruise, 38, and Kidman, 33, who met on the set of their 1990 film "Days of Thunder" and married that December in a top secret ceremony that left them both with tears in their eyes, PEOPLE reported at the time, have two adopted children, Connor, 6, and Isabella, 8. Whether or not custody will be shared has not been made public, and Kingsley denied further comment. Cruise and Kidman, who have houses in Australia and Los Angeles, certainly have demanding careers. Cruise has enjoyed a film career as Oscar-nominated actor ("Born on the Fourth of July," "Magnolia," "Jerry Maguire") and action hero (the "Mission: Impossible" movies) while Kidman has earned acclaim (and a Golden Globe Award) for "To Die For" and has appeared in mainstream films like "Batman Forever." The couple has also shared screen time, in "Far and Away" and "Days of Thunder," as well as Stanley Kubrick's final film, "Eyes Wide Shut." Last fall, Kidman spent three months in Spain to film "The Others," with Cruise as one of the executive producers. The separation may come as a shock to some, as Kidman and Cruise seemed like the fairytale Hollywood couple. "We have so much in common that it's almost as if we are the same person," she told PEOPLE in 1992. "We know what it takes to make each other happy." In lighter news, Kidman, and the tennis-playing Williams sisters, won their cases Monday to evict cybersquatters from contested domain names. Kidman won against American John Zuccarini who had registered and, but failed to respond to the complaint, according to the separate decision by three World Intellectual Property Organization arbitrators. The Williams’ won back the top-level domain names, and Kidman and Serena and Venus Williams all proved that the domain names were "identical or confusingly similar" to a trademark, that the defendant had "no rights or legitimate interests" and that the domain name had been registered and was being used in bad faith.

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