Cancer Survivors

(Thanks to Nancy Chando for this group picture taken 5/10/96 in Chicago)
A little over 3 years ago while mindlessly browsing the bulletin boards of Prodigy, I came across the MEDICAL SUPPORT BB. I decided to give it a shot and try to find some people like myself to talk to. A dear friend of mine had told me this board existed, but I hesitated to look into it. I'm glad that faithful night I got the nerve to go looking. I came upon the greatest group of people ever. I would post regularly and soon these people became like members of my family. They supported me through some of the most difficult times in my life. I wasn't coping with my illness and all that comes with it very well at the time. These people took the time to guide me back in the right direction and let me know it was ok to feel what I was feeling, that everyone feels that way at one time. We all dealt with and continue to deal with some very hard issues. The biggest one for me was the loss of our dear friend Cindy. She was such an incredible person who helped me tremendously. I'll never forget her beautiful spirit and incredible courage. I know she's looking down on all of us.
Unfortunately, I am no longer on Prodigy which has caused me to lose touch with the day-to-day conversations with my friends. Luckily Jim has made a place for us all to gather, no matter where we are. You can get there by clicking on this CANCER SURVIVORS. It's a GREAT site and I encourage everyone to check it out.
I just want to take this time to thank all of my SURVIVOR friends for the love and support you have given me through the years. I love you all and wish you nothing but GOOD HEALTH & HAPPINESS, always!