[Canadian Flag] [film reel and clapboard] The International
Producer's Guide to Canada

Film & Television Production in "Hollywood North"
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This Web site is designed to assist producers living OUTSIDE of Canada, who are considering production IN Canada or a co-production WITH Canada. Links were selected using the following guidelines: Visit regularly -- links are updated as often as possible!

[studio lights]

Current and Upcoming Events (what's new?)

[yellow ball] Playback's Events Calendar - international, but Canadian focused
[yellow ball] Playback's Hot Sheet - current top films, TV shows and DVDs in Canada

Selected Entertainment & Industry Press (the inside scoop)

[Hollywood North Newspaper] [yellow ball] Playback - Canada's leading broadcast and production journal
[yellow ball] Broadcaster - Canada's broadcast magazine
[yellow ball] Qui Fait Quoi - Major Quebec Film/TV Magazine
[yellow ball] Globe and Mail - today's "Arts" section from national paper
[yellow ball] Canada.com Entertainment - includes entertaiment news from cities across Canada

For starters...

[yellow ball] Universal Currency Converter - How far will your production dollars go in Canada, today?
[yellow ball] Traveling in Canada - Information from the U.S. State Department

Producer's Resources (location, facilities, contact and talent info)

[yellow ball] Ontario Media Development Corporation - producer's guide to Ontario's film and television industry
[yellow ball] Commercial Production Association of Toronto - Why shoot your next commercial in Toronto?
[yellow ball] British Columbia Film - One of Hollywood's favourite shooting locales
[yellow ball] Reel West - promoting Western Canada's film, televison, and multimedia industry
[yellow ball] BC Film Commission - location permits, British Columbia
[yellow ball] Alberta Motion Pictures Industries Association - Canada's "Texas"
[yellow ball] Alberta Film - Locations, production incentives and producer resources
[yellow ball] Saskatchewan Motion Picture Association - from cities to praries to surreal landscapes
[yellow ball] Manitoba Motion Picture Association - wide open, big, BIG sky country
[yellow ball] Quebec Shooting Guide - helpful resource
[yellow ball] SODEC - Societe de Developpement des Entreprises Culturelles
[yellow ball] Newfoundland and Labrador Film Development - Rugged, rocky, and beautiful.
[yellow ball] Film New Brunswick - Historic architecture and spectacular locations
[yellow ball] Nova Scotia Film Development Corp. - shoot in Canada's beautiful East Coast
[yellow ball] Yukon Film Commission - Canada's first snowfall, and last.
[yellow ball] Studio Facilities Across Canada - compiled by Playback Magazine
[yellow ball] Canadian "Spot" Productions Houses - specializing in commercials
[yellow ball] Canadian Animation Houses - we're world famous!
[yellow ball] Edna Talent Management - offers pictorial database of Canadian actors
[yellow ball] Canadian Actors Online - not exhaustive, but helpful
[yellow ball] CSC - Canadian Society of Cinematographers
[yellow ball] Stunts Canada - country's largest association of professional stunt coordinators and performers
[yellow ball] VOX TALENT - Canada's Non-Union Voiceover Talent Agency

Financing Related Info: "Show me the money!"

NOTE: International producers (by themselves) may not qualify for these funding resources, but CO-productions with Canadian producers & production companies often do. Government tax credits, received for hiring Canadian crews & talent, combined with favorable exchange on Canadian currency, saves $$$ on film and television productions.

[yellow ball] Canadian Heritage - includes guidelines & forms for Canadian film-television production tax credits
[yellow ball] Telefilm Canada - key funding source for many Canadian productions
[yellow ball] Canadian Television Fund - application forms also available on Telefilm Web site
[yellow ball] Independent Production Fund - finances and promotes Canadian independent production
[yellow ball] CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency
[yellow ball] National Funding Resources - as listed in Playback
[yellow ball] Provincial Funding Resources - as listed in Playback
[yellow ball] Regional Funding Resources - as listed in Playback

[maple leafs]

Production and Distribution Companies

[yellow ball] Canadian Indie Prodcos - compiled by Playback Magazine
[yellow ball] Alliance-Atlantis Communications - Canada's largest film and television distributor
[yellow ball] Corus Entertainment - changing the face of Canadian entertaiment
[yellow ball] Fireworks Entertainment - Relic Hunter, Beastmaster, Queen of Swords, see a pattern?
[yellow ball] National Film Board of Canada (NFB) - the award-winning public producer
[yellow ball] Nelvana - internationally renowned for animated children's and family
[yellow ball] Minds Eye Pictures - known for International co-productions
[yellow ball] Stornoway Productions - movies, docs and digital channels
[yellow ball] Cinar Films - big in children's fare
[yellow ball] Sullivan Entertainment - best known for family-fare like Anne of Green Gables
[yellow ball] Imax Corporation - The world's experts in BIG screen productions
[yellow ball] S & S Productions - best known for the "Red Green Show", a Canadian comedy classic
[yellow ball] Radical Sheep Productions - known for children's fare, like Big Comfy Couch
[yellow ball] Super People Productions - consulting, development and directing services

Technical and Post Production Resources

[yellow ball] Top Canadian Post Shops - as compiled by Playback
[yellow ball] William F. White Ltd. - film, television, and theatrical equipment rentals, national locations
[yellow ball] Finale Editworks - complete post-production management
[yellow ball] Rainmaker Digital Pictures - lab, post, effects, new media, Vancouver and L.A.
[yellow ball] CreativePOST - world standards conversions


Legal Resources

[yellow ball] Canadian Legal Expert Directory - entertainment law resources
[yellow ball] CRTC - Canadian broadcast legislator

General Film-Television Resources

[yellow ball] Rogers on the Web - Ted Rogers is to Canada what Ted Turner is to the U.S.
[yellow ball] Shaw Communications - Canada's 2nd largest cableco.
[yellow ball] COGECO - 2nd largest cableco in Ontario and Quebec
[yellow ball] AC Nielsen - Nielsen Ratings
[yellow ball] BBM - Bureau of Broadcast Measurement
[yellow ball] Brunico Communications - Publisher of Canadian film & television production journals
[yellow ball] Canadian Film Centre - founded by Norman Jewison
[yellow ball] Canadian Movies Listed in the Internet Movie Data Base
[yellow ball] Mandy's Film and Television Production Directory - includes links to Canadian resources, by territory

National & Regional Broadcasters

[yellow ball] Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) - Canada's national public broadcaster
[yellow ball] Canadian Television Network (CTV) - national commercial network
[yellow ball] Global Television Network - national commerical network
[yellow ball] TVOntario - Ontario's educational authority and Emmy-award winning children's broadcaster
[polar bear] [yellow ball] Societe Radio-Canada (SRC) - CBC's French language counterpart
[yellow ball] TVA Network - French language entertainment, information and public affairs programmming
[yellow ball] Tele-Quebec - province's French-language educational television network
[yellow ball] Knowledge Network - British Columbia's educational television service
[yellow ball] A-Channel - Across Canada
[yellow ball] ATV - Atlantic Television: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P.E.I. and Newfoundland
[yellow ball] NTV - Newfoundland Television

National Specialty Channels

[yellow ball] The Comedy Network - Who says Canadians aren't funny, eh?
[yellow ball] Atlantic Satellite Network (ASN) - News, Movies, Game Shows, General Interest
[yellow ball] Much Music - "The Nation's Music Station"
[yellow ball] Bravo! - Canada's arts and entertainment channel
[yellow ball] Vision TV - national "multi-faith" specialty channel
[yellow ball] Crossroads Christian Communications - Christian Broadcast Ministries
[yellow ball] CTS Television - Christian and family programming
[yellow ball] YTV - national children's specialty channel
[yellow ball] Teletoon - The Animation Station
[yellow ball] Family Channel - Canada's counterpart (read vehicle) for the Disney Channel
[yellow ball] TSN - The Sports Network
[yellow ball] Space - The Imagination Station (Sci-Fi-arama)
[yellow ball] Home & Garden Television Canada - There's no place like Home (or Garden)!
[yellow ball] History Television Canada - Our version, eh?
[yellow ball] Showcase - cultural arts and drama specialty channel
[yellow ball] Life Network - national lifestyle specialty channel
[yellow ball] Exploration Net - from Discovery Channel Canada
[friendly Mountie] [yellow ball] The Weather Network - weather documentary, anyone?
[yellow ball] NewsWorld Online - Canada's counterpart to CNN
[yellow ball] CTV NewsNet - Canadian counterpart to CNN Headline News
[yellow ball] Cable Public Affairs Channel (CPAC) - features Canadian government proceedings, etc.
[yellow ball] APTN - Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
[yellow ball] The Canadian Shopping Channel - will that be Visa, or Mastercard?

New Media Broadcasting Leaders

[yellow ball] SNAP Media - clients include CTV, Sony, CBC, HGTV, and Teletoon
[yellow ball] Extend Media - creating interactive television content, clients include CTVSportsnet
[yellow ball] Interactive Netcasting Systems (INSINC) - creators of www.mediaontap.com


[yellow ball] CanWest Global Communications - international Canadian-based broadcaster
[yellow ball] CityTV - the first seed of the Moses Znaimer empire

Guilds, Unions, and Associations

[yellow ball] Canadian Film and Television Production Association - important resource for producers
[yellow ball] Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television - includes Genie and Gemini award winners
[yellow ball] Director's Guild of Canada - includes links to provincial counterparts
[yellow ball] Writer's Guild of Canada - Latest news, information, and writer's links
[yellow ball] ACTRA - Canadian Performers' Guild
[yellow ball] Institute of Communications and Advertising - with links to other Canadian commercial production sites
[yellow ball] Television Bureau of Canada - info about TV advertising in this country
[yellow ball] CSC - Canadian Society of Cinematographers
[yellow ball] MPTAC - Motion Picture Theatre Associations of Canada
[yellow ball] Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB)
[yellow ball] Canadian Broadcast Standards Council - what are YOUR standards?
[yellow ball] Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA) - national lobby organization
[yellow ball] Women in Film and Television Toronto - Building, advancing, and sustaining careers
[yellow ball] Women in Film and Television Vancouver - ditto, West coast
[yellow ball] Canadian Women in Communications - national focus
[yellow ball] SOCAN - Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada
[yellow ball] National Screen Institute - oldest national Canadian training school for writers, producers, and directors

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[Coat of Arms]

NOT LISTED? If you believe your Web site should be listed in this directory, OR your current Web site listing needs to be updated, please e-mail the URL to the Webmaster.

Comments? Link suggestions? Expired links? Let me know!

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