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EVERYTHING! Well, almost everything. EVERYTHING LARISA!!! That is to say, Larisa Oleynik. Best known for her starring role on The Secret World of Alex Mack (TSWOAM), she is not only just about the best teen-age actress (talentwise) that I have ever seen, but is by far the prettiest. In this site, one will find many pictures (pics) of her. There is one of the most comprehensive picture galleries of her on the internet. You will also find most of the Larisa links to other related websites, about 15 articles on her, a comprehensive biography, and just about any information (info) I can find out about her. Due to spacial concerns (and lack of interest on my part) video and sound clips of her will not be posted. And in addition to all that, you'll find a few poems about her, and a little pondering section that I like to call "Philosophy". Let us now try to comprehend the unending limits of this prodigal enigma.
Here is the lovely Larisa...
That was one of my favorites. Here's another...
But there's more where that came from. Go to my Larisa Oleynik Gallery. Any new pics I get will go here. They will then be filed into the regular gallery EVENTUALLY. Note: all pics that I have so far can be found elsewhere on the web.
Here's a little table with the sections to help you navigate.
I have started a new project: Operation Rissy! Read more about it
Links to other sites on the Web
That was one heck of a Larisa page if I do say so myself. If you didn't like it?...Sorry...It doesn't get much better than that! :)
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Feel free to use anything from this site though. All possible copyright infringements are at your own risk. I don't believe I have anything that can really be coined illegal. Please note that I am NOT Larisa Oleynik, NOR do I have any association with her.
Last Updated(content wise):
July 6, 1997
Thanks so much to The Toadman at Larisa's World for setting me up for this page. Cya!!
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