Eudial and Witches 5 Shrine

Death Buster Site

November 17th 2000 - My old counter seems to be dead, so I'm using this new one:

Some links of the Deep In a Witch's Heart Manga are broken, so only 3 of its pages are online. I hope to fix them soon.

Check them here!

08-12-2001 I just added a javascript form in the poll page :) And I promise I'll work more on this page :) Old updates:
After a VERY VERY VERY long time I'm updating my site ^_^;
I added a Team Rocket Site :)
There are image galleries for all the characters and a fan art gallery.
I did a page for the awards, so this page will load faster ^__^. Also I'm adding the Italian translations of Deep in a Witch's Earth in the fanfics page. I also want to add a page where you can download some Witches 5 stuff like icons, Win 95 themes etc. ^__^ As usual in the"Characters' Profiles" page you can find infos, the number of the episodes where the witches appeared and new pics. My friend Prof. Chronos gave me even some pictures from the manga!
I'll add soon more pages of my manga and some stories in the fanfic part of the site. I'm also going to update the vote results for the Witches 5 Poll.
You can see a my drawing of SD Eudial in her sailor version here. I hope you'll like it.

I'd like to know which of the Witches 5 do you like best. please e-mail votes at my address. I'll publish them on this site.

Thank you for coming here, come back soon, I'll try my best to improve my site everyday!


Eugeal (the dubbed version of Eudial)

Don't forget to check Nightman's FSC site!
Here you'll find the FSC stories' archive with even some of the first FSC stories and some fan-art!
It's a great site with almost all the FSC stories ever written!
Go and visit it here or Witches 5 will punish you!
You can find FSC stories even at Tim's Semi-Official FSC Site
, another great site! ^_^


Don't forget to sign my guestbook!

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Links to my other pages

My fanfic page "Deep in a Witch's Heart"
My Images page
Characters' profile
"Deep in a Witch's Heart" Image Gallery
"Deep in a Witch's Heart" Manga page.
First Results for My Poll
Rings I'm in
FSC Gargoyles' Page
Awards I won
Pylons! Traffic Cones! Coni Stradali!!!
My Team Rocket Site

© 1996

Thanks to Tygerseye for helping me with HTML and for headers and to the Evil Professor Chronos, Tygerseye and Toto for giving me the images of the witches. Most of the pics in my page are the one I grabbed from my tapes, but some of them (the last one of Tellu, Mimet's and Viluy's ones) were provided by my friends Toto and The Evil Professor Chronos.
Thanks to Sailor Jessica Rabbit for the little stars I put on this page.
Thank you friends, this page is here because of your work.

Last updated on:July 30th 2003
This date is referred only to this page: other pages can be updated even if the index has the same date.

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