LovlyRita's Fun Homepage

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Hi!! Welcome to my fun homepage. Let me give you some information about me. Lovlyrita is my screenname, because it's from one of my favorite Beatles songs, "Lovely Rita". When I started this site, I was only 15 years old, and a sophomore in high school. Now I am 18 years old, and currently attending Cal State Northridge, a great university in sunny Southern California. I am majoring in Business Adminstration, and planning to option in Marketing. Right now it's the middle of the Spring semester, and it's been busy! Anyways, I think that this webpage is a great represenation of me, I love working on it, and really hope you like it!

Here at my webpage, you can enjoy a random assortment of things. My photo galleries of Harrison Ford, David Duchovny, & Al Pacino all appear to be very popular. I have included some great music links, as well as fun television links. Feel free to explore all of these links, but please remember to come back, and sign my guestbook. Don't hesitate to email me with your comments and suggestions! Thanks to all who have signed my guestbook and sent me email!

People who know me best know I LOVE Starbucks, so I hope you like this extremely caffeinated site. Just click on the yummy Mocha Frappucino. Enjoy!

When I win the California Super Lotto,I am going to buy a BMW. BMW has released the 2000 323Ci Convertible,and it's beautiful! It is now my new dream car. I think you'll enjoy this website, where you can build your own BMW!! FUN!! I have a feeling that my car-loving sweetie will love this car site. :) To get to BMW's website in style, click on the new 323Ci!


For a long time, I have been obsessed with Koalas. Koalas are adorable, round creatures, and I love them!! I especially love going to the San Diego Zoo, and observing the Koalas. I then spend a lot of time in the Koala gift shop. Here are some links to great Koala sites:

  • Koala Page
  • Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
  • Kati's Koala Page A must for any Koala fan!!

    Photo Galleries

    Harrison Ford Photo Gallery
    -Be sure to visit my newly updated photo gallery of Harrison Ford, portraying his various onscreen characters. Includes favorites Air Force One and Six Days Seven Nights!

    David Duchovny Photo Gallery

    -Visit my personal David Duchovny Photo Gallery, with great pics. from around the net.

    Al Pacino Photo Gallery
    Finally! A photo gallery devoted to one of the greatest actors ever! A superb compilation of photos from different movies.


    If you're a New York Yankees fan, click here.

    Check out my brand new Tino Martinez Photo Gallery . He's the first basemen for the NY Yankees. A great teamplayer, both on and off the field.

    Official Pro Sports Websites

    Love Baseball? Check out this site.
    Can't get enough Basketball? You'll love this website.
    Does the NFL strike your fancy? Enjoy!
    Into colder sports? This NHL site is great.


    The Beatles. The greatest group of all time, consists of John, Paul, George, and Ringo.

    I guess it's kinda obvious that I love oldies!! The Beatles and Creedence ClearWater Revival are my very favorite bands from the 60s.

    The Zekeland Beatles Page
    -Beatles! Everything you want to know about this group that forever changed rock & roll.

    Crreedence Clearwater Revival
    -Check out this terrific site, a tribute to CCR. Loads of Pictures, sounds, lyrics, album reviews, and more.

    The John Fogerty Web Site
    - A web site devoted to the founding member of Creedence. Find out everything about Fogerty and his music!



    All right, I admit it. I LOVE NBC. I think that they have some great shows,and a wonderful marketing department. My favorite shows on NBC are "Will and Grace" and "ER". Check out NBC's website for more information on these shows, and all of the rest of NBC's programming.

    The Complete X-files
    -You already know I'm a big fan of David Duchovny's, and this site has everything you need or want to know about TV's sci-fi hit, the X-files.

    Dave Letterman
    -This guy always makes me laugh! A great webpage to browse through pics, sounds, upcoming guests, and super links. Welcome back Dave, we all missed you!

    Links to other sites on the Web

    WaveThemes Home Pagecenter
    The Godfather Trilogy

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    You are visitor to this very fun site.

    Last updated 3/20/00
    All images on this page and use of their likeness belong to their various rightful owners.

    Email me with your thoughts, comments, or ideas!!

    © 2000 lovlyrita@juno.com

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