Hidden Link Games
This is the game that you win an award if you find the hidden link.

Found December 12, 1996.
Thank You Janet and Ken.
Go and try to find the gold.

Found March, 21, 1997.
Not for the weak stomach or heart.

Found June 27, 1997.
Thank You Greg.

Received June 27, 1997.
Go and find the fish, frog, and the fly.

I Survived the Belfry On July 04, 1997

I found Scheme.
E-mail me with any suggestions, comments, or questions. SFRobertso@aol.com
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since October 26, 1996.
You gain strength, courage, and confidence
by every experience in which you stop
to look fear in the face.
You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
~~Eleanor Roosevelt~~
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