..."Drunken boxing? Only so-so"...

Welcome, denizens.


"That boy's three short of infinity."

--from the RPG table.


Slayers, Peacock King, and Mean Guns-- good!!

Various poems and story snippets will become available each week.

One person that I must feel obligated to thank here is my friend Steve Grigg, aka Azmo. He lets me use his computer, and helps me pull files off the internet for the site. Here's to you, pal. Three howls of joy!

Inside the Den, you can visit..

My WORLD FAMOUS Magic Mirror site

ProseWolf in the flesh, (of the monitor)...

All of the Neon Genesis Evangelion Scripts, translated!!

Here's an article written about Glueleg, in its entirety.

CONSTANTLY UPDATED - The Gold Digger Shrine.

Got a message for the rest of the world? Then go to my Scratch Pad to announce it.


You'll find these(^) at the bottom of each Magic Mirror site. Check out yours!