Welcome to Stephen King on the Net!!!


Who haven't heard about Stephen King?? In this site you will find a lot of information about the Great author

Who wrote great novels like: IT, Misery and The Stand and more .

Here you can find: A list of books and movies a FAQ (frequently asked questions)

That Other King Fans wrote and it contains a lot of other cool stuff, Special Hebrew covers

For collectors, and Links to other great sites, if there's any question you can just E-mail me to the address below, don’t forget to sign my GuestBook!!!

And watch out from The Langoliers…. HA HA HA


O.K O.K... i'm to blame for the delay in updates... i had a really tough call if to close this site due to lack of time or try to update it once in a while... anyway i chose the latter due to the nice feedback i got from U guys.

Please forgive me too for the delay in replying to your letters, it's the most busy year iv'e ever had.

Anyway The news...

You can download the third part of The plant- the new Internet e-book at

my only request is that you pay for the sake of future episodes.

Plus- now filming a promising adaption to "Hearts in Atlantis" directed by academy award nominee "Scott Hicks" with Anthony Hopkins in the leading rule.

"Rose Red" a new mini series is now filming, it is an original written for the screen like storm of the century.

rights have been bought to "the girl who loved tom gordon" and to "the man in the black suit" which is going to be, an opera!

for more news go to a site which i worship!

There's a new Maine based Rock Band called "Now Is Now"

which released a song inspired by The Gunslinger called "Another Worlds", this song is superb and i truly recommend every SK fan to grab hold of their new CD because it's very promising.



Great news!!!!!

Riding the bullet- a new SK story will be published only on the internet as a e-book

anyone can download it for just 2.50$...what are you waiting for???

you will find more information in the publisher site




O.K, first I got some complains about some Grammar mistakes in this site, i can really use you help in finding those mistakes since english is not my native tongue.

and now for the news....

All of the SK Computer freaks will be real satisfied this christmas, a new CD-Rom called F-13 (the missing F in the keyboard), it will include many surprises and treats for devoted fans such as the novella "Everything's Eventual"

for more Info go the the official website.

Peter Struab is planning with SK to write a sequel to the well known here for the full story.

Last but not least, The Rights for "Hearts in Atlantis" have been sold to Castle Rock. William Goldman who did an excellent job in the adaptation of Misery is the one in charge of the script.

That's all for now, again i apologize for my english , and i wish you all the good.


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Last Updated: 13th of October 2000

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