Welcome to my Breath of Fire II Page
You are visitor since February 27, 1997.

Welcome to my Breath of Fire II Page

Check Out the Frames Version

This is my page. It is about Breath of Fire 2 from Capcom. There is information here to help you beat the game. I did not write any of them so don't give the credit to me.


1.Hometown 2.The Ruins/Niro 3.Colosia 4.Tagwoods 5.Windia 6.Capitan 7.Nimufu's Tower 8.Sima Fort 9.Wildcat Restaurant 10.Whale Cape 11.Tunlan 12.Highland 13.Thieves Cave 14.Mount Maori 15.Wisdom Tree 16.Myst Valley 17.Sky Tower 18.Farm Town 19.Eburai 20.The Church 21.Gate


Note: If you have a TownShip, the carpenter (who builds the regular houses) will cook loads of nifty items for you if you can give him the right ingredients (other wise its charcoal!) This is not a complete list.

Ingrediants Outcome Ingrediants Outcome Ingrediants Outcome
4 Herb Extract 2 Herb HelpBl 2 CureAl Frizbee
4 HelpBl LifePl 2 HelpBl Extract 4 Roast DeadSoup
4 Antdt Vtmn 2 Antdt TearDr 4 CureAl Dinker
2 TearDr Vtmn 3 Cond.Up GoldBar 4 Urchin Extract
2 Cond.Up Dinker 2 Medicate PwrFood 2 Urchin HelpBl
4 Charcoal HelpBl 2 Charcoal Herb 2 Dinker Biscuit
3 PwrFood GoldBar 3 Dinker GoldBar 2 Extract LifePl


This is a list of the Shamans, where they are located, and there bonuses.

Name Type Bonus Location Name Type Bonus Location
Sana Fire Offense Up Capitan Solo Earth Unknown Farm Town
Seso Water Defense Up Witch's Tower Seny Holy Wis. & Ap Up Bando Church
Spoo Wind Vigor Up Sky Tower Shin Devil Wis. & Ap Up Dragon Mountain

The Walkthrough


Tunlan.zip Underwtr.zip Underwt2.zip Bofballa.zip Romero.zip


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