Lethal MEL

If you're lucky, you'll hear music!! Sit back, get a cold drink and give yourself a two minute break, while music downloads. You'll recognize it from Mel's greatest achievement.

Mel Gibson's Friends

Those who admire Mel Gibson for his many talents gather here to celebrate his accomplisments. Many of Mel's admirers were deeply affected by the wonderful "Braveheart". Tell us the effect this movie has had on your life.

This site has been active for almost 10 years. I plan on adding new photos!

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Please visit our guestbook below and let us know who you are, where you're from, and how you found us. We can add your comments and picture to this page.

****this is not Mel's email****

Some handsome guy eating lunch on the set of "Braveheart".
Thank you, Blaithin

Sue, our newest FRIEND!

Jaime's "BoyHearts" with Ransom! You're never too young to become a member of the faMELy...

jaiMELee and Brian


georgia diANNE

Krista MELaine

Tammy and a friend!

    Tracy, who now lives in Florida. We miss hearing from you , Tracy!

      Leticia, left, from Canada. She's looking forward to Braveheart Convention in September!

      Azita, right, from Germany. We'd love to hear more often from you!

  • Here's More of Us

    Mr. Gibson,
    You have accomplished your goal. I was left speechless after experiencing your masterpiece, "Braveheart". I had long respected you and your career choices , but this reaffirmed my opinion that you are the greatest talent in film.
    I want to wish you the best of luck on Oscar night. I have kept a scrapbook on this film and am proud to have a record of your journey to the Academy Awards. I carry a little piece of your portrail with me; and when I need a bit more courage, sensitivity, loyalty, honor, or creativity I call on it. You've woven a golden tapestry and each thread holds an insight into life that I'll always remember.

    Where do I start... My name is Valli Ferrara and I'm 32 years old, single and proud to say that I'm a very intelligent, successful career woman. My father is all Italian and my mom is part Irish— absolutely not a spec of Scottish is me. So, my sudden infatuation with Scotland has nothing to do with my family history, and EVERYTHING to do with my reaction to the movie Braveheart!!! Let me digress for a moment and tell you that since, I was a little girl I have always had an affection for castles and old-world history which I somehow associate with romance — I'm a true romantic at heart. Well, I do a lot of reading — just the romance novels really — when I somehow narrowed my choices to only those books with a Scottish hero. When I read all the Julie Garwood novels in just 2 weeks time (she has a lot with Scots in them) I was totally disappointed. Well, this movie certainly satisfied my lust for romance, castles and history!!! Unfortunately, I didn't see Braveheart in the theatre so I missed the "big screen" effect. But somehow, watching Braveheart on a small tv screen was just enough for me. The following describes my reaction to the movie... It was magical!!! The story of William Wallace, the characters, the music, the actors, the scenery — it was all so captivating, so touching! My initial reaction in the end of the movie was so profound that it has literally changed my attitude, my emotions or better yet, it has changed the course of my life!!! I Well, after I watched the movie at a friends house I was speechless. I didn't sleep that night and I went out the next day and bought the video for myself. The famous speech "Sons of Scotland", the love scene with the princess of England, Wallace telling Murrin that he loves her and always has, all the battle scenes, the funeral of Murran, the beheading — just to name a few—I was so emotional, romantic and touching! But the ending killed me — I've only watched it in its entirety that one time. I just can't bear to watch that torture scene again since I was hysterical the first time! So when the video reaches that scene, I fast foward to when he drops the cloth and Murrin is in the crowd in his dreams. At that point, I have a smile on my face because it symbolizes true love and I cry profusely because of his bravery. I watch it over and over. To date, I have probably seen it over 100 times! (I assure you I'm not a freak...when I'm getting ready to go out or I'm just cleaning the house, I'll put the video on and let it play...that's how I've watched it so much.) At this point, I have the words, the whole story, completely memorized!!! I also have the soundtrack in my car and I constantly play it— it's so relaxing and it puts me in a good mood. I don't believe in the afterlife, the supernatural or any of that bull, but because of my tight bond to Scotland and the story of William Wallace my attitude has certainly changed. Sometimes I get this feeling that I've been there, kind of like in a past life. Yes, it's odd and if you would have told me a year ago that I would ever say something like this I would have called you crazy!!! But, the feeling is there. Something about this movie just takes over your emotions and it's wonderful. I've never been more passionate about anything in my 32 years! Even now that I've seen the movie so many times, I still get choked up and all those wonderful feelings of passion, honor, love and bravery come back every time. I think that my obsession for the movie and now for Scotland just keeps growing stronger. And, when I needed more than the movie, I booked a trip to Scotland and took a tour BY MYSELF!!! My friends and family thought I was crazy for going to Scotland alone but I really didn't want anyone with me. I couldn't explain it then and I can't now but I do know that I just HAD TO GO TO SCOTLAND! In my eyes, Scotland is heaven. My whole life, my attitude, everything has changed since my trip! I can't wait to go back and I constantly tell people that if I ever hit the lottery I'd move to Scotland for good!!! I just can't get enough! I've been on eBay and bought signed photos of Mel Gibson as William Wallace, along with the movie poster. I visit all the Mel Gibson/Braveheart websites constancley and I am forever readign about Scotland. And to get ready for my next trip to Scotland, I've established friendships with people in Scotland via the internet. I could go on and on about how much I love Braveheart but I fear that I still wouldn't touch the surface and it's very hard to put my feelings into words. So, I hoped you've enjoyed my story...my story about MY emotional freedom..."What would you do without freedom?"

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