This was last updated on 15/6/99

OKay, okay... so it's been ALMOST a year since i have touched this page... but HEY! i've been busy doing... stuff... BUT here i am, ready to once again initiate the fight against Hollywood! YAY!!!!!!!!!

anyway... down to business...This is the ANTI - HOLLYWOOD HOMEPAGE, in the fight to rid the world of blockbuster movies. I love movies, I thrive on them, but one thing I can't stand is the stuff that they churn out of Hollywood so constantly.

Movies like Independance Day, Dante's Peak, Jurrasic Park, Twister, Con Air, Titanic and especially the new Star Wars is what the Hollywood system has reverted to. SURE, they're spectacular! Sure they have great sound and special effects but, I may be old fashioned but I always assumed that it was more or less necessary to have half decent acting and a viable storyline to make a credable film.

These hugely budgeted films have just, over the past year or so, started to be made here in Australia... it's great for lowly people like me who need as much work in the field as possible...but by bringing over all the American actors, directors and money, it starts to affect our highly credible industry because the government figure they don't need to fund our own films anymore because the Americans are bringing enough money in! It's rediculous and a shame that such a fantastic industry has reverted to the basic principles of making money... it's all about politics these days and no longer about the story... about touching people the way things like Gone With The Wind did... or anyother old film...

All I ask is the next time you go and see one of these blockbuster films, think about it... I know my battle is long and hard, and it may never do it's purpose, but still, I ask you all to take notice of those films that don't have such a huge budget or such brilliant effects because the real truth is, those films are the ones that are worth watching....films that allow you to sit and enjoy to get drawn into - those that make you laugh and cry and most importantly, that make you think! those films are the ones that deserve the credit.

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