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You are Jasonite disciple to visit since October 14, 1996

Hello there! Gosh, now that I've got your attention, what do I say? Trust me, this page WILL get better! Thanx for dropping by, and hey, don't forget me, before too long I should have something on here that should interest just about everybody!

Let me thank all of my special friends, both for being there for me, and for helping me when I didn't ask, but needed help. Momg, who's been one of the truest friends I've ever known. txbelle, mercedes, Breeze, tort/tortoise, poetry, Kyndig, Cat, bette, toby, Moonfeather, Sadie, Natalie, diana, marp, Lady/WMatilda, lavendel, SonyaBlade, Moxy, hoLLy, Xena, HeavensAngel/CloudBunny, FACE, Meg, Goldmoon, Stormie, KYANDRIA, Netlight, FawnFatale, whom I will never forget, Eden, Debbie, Krafty, Mari, cichlid, lolle, Oracle, SIMPLE, Syx, akasha, alison, olivia, apple/sparrow, CHRIS! and all the others whom I don't mean to offend by not remembering to say their names...thank you.

My tribute to Robert Frost page!
These poems are for the true poem connisseur...you know who you are.

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